Master of Science in Management & Systems
Systems Analysis, Design and Developement


Professor:Sam Sultan   []
Class website: [] (or) []
Course Days: Mondays - September 9 - December 9. No class on 10/14 (makeup 10/15)
Course Hours: 2:00pm - 4:35pm
Modality/Location: Onsite - Midtown, room 528


+ syllabus
+ outline
+ grades
+ final project
+ books
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+ examples & demos
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+ student evaluation & comments

Session - 1   2   3   4   5   6   7   M   9   10   11   12   13a   13b   14   F  

SDLC - Agile - Software Development Process & Methods - Systems Analysis & Design - Object Oriented Analysis & Design
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This course investigates the concepts and techniques used in the analysis and design of business information systems. Topics include assessing business requirements; interviewing /testing techniques; determining the feasibility of software products; and estimating system costs. Students analyze data flow diagrams, data models, file design, interface design, and software design. Upon completion of this course, students will understand the key system development lifecycle approaches to system analysis and design, and how to select, plan, analyze, design, implement, and maintain modern application systems. Through collaborative learning approaches, lectures, peer-learning activities, and real-world projects, students receive a dynamic experience in developing business systems analysis documents, as well as in analyzing and designing systems.


1. Course Objectives:

The course covers fundamentals of systems analysis and design. Topics include requirement gathering, system analysis, design and modeling of software specifications. As part of the course, students will learn skills, methodologies, techniques, tools and perspectives essential for system's analysts and designers to successfully develop information systems.
The course explains various methodologies for systems analysis and design, including the traditional SDLC method, object oriented approaches, and various agile methodologies.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to use a structured SDLC (System Development Lice Cycle) methodology to analyze IT system structures, model information processes, and design/redesign IT systems.

       The focus of the course will be on the following topics:

2. Student Learning Outcomes:


Required Reading & Materials -


Contributing factors for determining your course grade include:

Details of Assignment and Evaluation. NYU SPS Grading Scale

Grades are FINAL.

Please do not negotiate for a better grade. Final grade will be calculated to 2 decimal places and rounded. If you are expecting to receive a grade of an "A" at the end of the semester, then I expect you to attend all sessions, to participate and contribute in class, and to keep up with the class reading material. If you see yourself falling behind do not hesitate to ask for help. This will ensure that you stay current with the class, and will ensure that you get a good grade on your work.

Please Note: Professor will not entertain any request for an assignment "redo" or "make-up" or extra credit assignment to improve grade

NYU SPS Academic Policies and Grading Scale

Statement on Academic Integrity:

New York University is a top level academic institution that takes academic integrity very seriously. All students suspected of violating this policy including cheating and/or plagiarism and/or copying from others or published materials on assignments or exams will be severely penalized for their action.

Statement on Usage of Mobile Devices:

Usage of smartphones is not allowed during class. If you are using a tablet or a laptop to support class learning, these devices must only be used strictly for class purposes. No social media, web surfing or usage of any kind is allowed outside the needs for class consideration.


[Week 1] 1
  • Introduction to System Analysis and Design
  • The Impact of Information Technology
  • Information System Components
  • Understanding the Business
  • Impact of the Internet
  • Type of Information Systems
  • Information System Users and Their Needs
  • Systems Development Cycle
  • Overview of Systems Development Methods
  • The 4 steps of the SDLC methodology
  • Agile vs SDLC methodologies
  • The Role of a Systems Analyst
  • Reading: Chapter 1
    [Week 2] 2
  • Analyzing the Business Case
  • Project Planning
  • SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) analysis
  • Factors affecting system projects
  • Identifying and Selecting Projects
  • The System Service Request
  • Project Initiation and Planning
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Cost-Benefit, NPV, ROI, Break-Even Analysis
  • Developing a Baseline Project Plan
  • A Project Scope Statement
  • A Statement Of Work document
  • Presentation to Management
  • Reading: Chapter 2, Toolkit Part C
    [Week 3] 3
  • Managing Systems Projects
  • The role of a Project Manager
  • Project Planning and project scope
  • Dividing the project into manageable tasks
  • Estimating task effort
  • Creating a WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
  • Project Scheduling
  • Gantt charts, PERT/CPM charts
  • Risk management
  • Project monitoring and controlling
  • Project reporting
  • Requirement change control
  • Key to project success
  • Reading: Chapter 3
    [Week 4] 4
  • Requirement Gathering and Modeling
  • What is a requirement?
  • Characteristics for successful requirement gathering
  • Deliverables and artifacts
  • Collecting Requirements
  • The interview process
  • Questionnaires and surveys
  • Direct observations
  • Document review
  • JAD, RAD and Agile
  • Prototyping
  • Requirement Modeling
  • Type of system requirements
  • Reading: Chapter 4
    [Week 5] 5
  • Data and Process Modeling
  • Modeling Tools
  • Data Flow Diagrams
  • Creating a Set of Data Flow Diagrams
  • Data Dictionary
  • Process Description Tools
  • Logical Versus Physical Models
  • Reading: Chapter 5
    [Week 6] 6
  • Object Oriented Modeling
  • Overview of Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling
  • Object-Oriented Concepts and Terminologies
  • Relationships among Objects and Classes
  • Object Modeling with the Unified Modeling Language
  • Use Cases, Use Case Diagrams, Use Case Narratives
  • Class Diagrams and Object Models
  • Sequence Diagrams
  • Reading: Chapter 6
    [Week 7] 7
  • Implementation and Acquisition Strategies
  • Software Licensing Models
  • Outsourcing
  • In-House Software Development Options
  • Build vs. Buy vs. Subscribe
  • Role of the Systems Analyst
  • CAPEX vs. OPEX
  • The Software Acquisition/Evaluation Process
  • Integrated Solutionss, ERP, CMS, HCM, SCM
  • Batch vs. Online/Real-time Processing
  • RFP-Request for Proposal, RPQ-Request for Quotation
  • Completion of Systems Analysis Tasks
  • The Transition to Systems Design
  • Systems Design Goals
  • Prototyping
  • Reading: Chapter 7
    [Week 8] M
  • Midterm Exam
    [Week 9] 9
  • Data Design
  • Data Structures and Data Design Concepts
  • Physical Database Design
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Why Relational?
  • Elements of a Relational Database
  • Tables, Rows, Columns, Relationships, indexes, views
  • DDL - Data Definintion language
  • DML - Data Manipulation language
  • Joining Tables
  • Designing Fields and Composite Attributes
  • Controlling Data Integrity and security
  • Data Normalization, 1NF, 2NF, 3NF
  • Normalization vs. Denormalization
  • Entity Relationships and Cardinality
  • File and Index Organization
  • Reading: Chapter 9
    [Week 10] 10
  • Systems Architecture
  • Tiered Architecture
  • Client/Server Architecture
  • 2-Tier, 3-Tier, N-Tier Architecture
  • Fat vs. Thin Clients
  • Web-Based Architecture
  • Web 1.0 vs. Web 2.0
  • Cloud Based Architecture
  • Service Oriented Architecture
  • Network Models
  • Communication Protocols and Ports
  • Reading: Chapter 10
    [Week 11] 11
  • System Development - Introduction to Programming
  • Different Languages for Different Purposes
  • Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages
  • The Binay, Octal and Hexadecimal Systems
  • ASCII, EBCDIC and Unicode
  • 32 vs. 64 Bit Machines
  • Programming Constructs and Fundamentals
  • Variables and Literals
  • Simple vs. Complex Variables (arrays & objects)
  • Program Control Flow
  • Conditional Processing
  • Looping and Iterations
  • Defining Functions
  • Reading: Instructor Provided and Internet
    [Week 12] 12
  • Writing a Program
  • Writing an Algorithm
  • Pseudo Code
  • Pseudo code to Actual code
  • Sequential search vs. binary search
  • Sorting algorithm
  • Recursive algorithm
  • Program logic and control flow
  • Testing a Program for Syntax Errors
  • Testing a Program for Logical Errors
  • Hands-on Coding Exercise
  • Structured Programming approach to coding. Divide and Conquer
  • Object Oriented approach to coding
  • Examples of Programs in Different Languages
  • Reading: Instructor Provided and Internet
    [Week 13] 13a
  • Team Presentation(s)
  • Agile/Scrum Framework
  • Agile Manifesto
  • Agile 12 Principles of Software Development
  • Scrum Additional Principles for Software Development
  • Scrum Roles
  • Product Owner
  • Scrum Master
  • Development Team
  • Scrum Events and Activities
  • Sprint Planning
  • Daily Scrum
  • Story Time
  • Sprint Review and Retrospective
  • Scrum Artifacts
  • Product Backlog
  • Sprint Backlog
  • Burn Chart
  • Task Board
  • Shippable Product Increment
  • Reading: Internet
    [Week 13] 13b
  • Team Presentation(s)
  • Managing Systems Implementation
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Overview of Application Development
  • Structured Application Development
  • Object-Oriented Application Development
  • Agile/Scrum Application Development
  • Coding
  • Testing the System
  • Documentation
  • Management Approval
  • System Installation and Evaluation
  • Operational and Test Environments
  • Training
  • Data Conversion
  • System Changeover
  • Post-Implementation Tasks
  • Reading: Chapter 11
    [Week 14] 14
  • Team Presentation(s)
  • System Support, Security and Post Go-Live
  • User Support and Operation
  • Maintenance Tasks
  • Maintenance Management
  • System Performance Management
  • System Security Overview
  • Security Levels
  • Backup and Recovery
  • System Obsolescence
  • Future Challenges and Opportunities
  • Reading: Chapter 12
    [Week 14] F
  • Final Exam

  • All contents © Sam Sultan.
    NYU SPS Master's Degree Program web site
    For more information, send e-mail to: