Sam Sultan - Students Evaluations & Comments      Columbia University       Fordham University  

Data Mining and Data Warehousing (MASY1-GC3510) - Spring 2024 PDF Report 

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Questions about the Course...
How clear were the goals of the course?84.89
How effective were the assignments in helping you meet the course goals?84.89
To what extent were diverse voices and perspectives integrated into this course?84.67
The readings and other course resources deepened my understanding of the subject.84.78
The course site was structured to support student learning (e.g. participation, communication, collaboration).84.56
Questions about the Instructor...
How clearly did the instructor communicate what was expected of you in this course?84.89
How effective was the instructor in explaining challenging concepts and/or methods?84.67
How helpful was the feedback to you in improving your work?84.67
How inclusive did you find this class environment towards diverse backgrounds?84.44
The instructor was organized, prepared, and responsive.84.89
The instructor created engaging, interactive learning experiences to foster student participation.84.56
The instructor used technology effectively to engage students.84.78

  • What aspects of the class contributed most to your learning?
    - Instructor's lectures
    - Notes have a lot of information and professor has a lot of examples to test and learn Oracle and SQL.
    - How the profeesor teach and the assignment
    - how to use SQL as a analyst is what i learned and enjoyed
    - Professors delivery of notes
    - His midterm correction assignment made the most contribution to my learning

  • What were the most important things you learned from the course (i.e. knowledge, concepts, skills, perspectives)?
    - The whole concept of database and data warehouse.
    - Lots of SQL, Oracle, data warehouse, and data mining knowledge.
    - DW, ETL, and SQL knowledge
    - perspectives, professor gives a lot of useful views about SQL and Web.
    - datamining and datawarehousing
    - The most important i learned from this course in the core concepts of the subject which is really important for understanding of the more complex stuff.

  • Is there anything else you would like to share about the course?
    - It lays a solid foundation for further exploration in data–related field. It is more like a theoretical course but is very practical.
    - This is a great course to learn deeply about data warehouse and data science, I learn a lot from this course
    - Will be good if strictness in grading is reduced

  • Is there anything else you would like to share about the instructor?
    - This is the greatest course I have in terms of data science, I really learn a lot from this course
    - keep passionately teaching.
    - Making the lectures more interactive would be great by showing more real life examples

System Development and Analysis (MASY1-GC3210) - Fall 2023

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Questions about the Course...
How clear were the goals of the course?74.29
How effective were the assignments in helping you meet the course goals?74.43
To what extent were diverse voices and perspectives integrated into this course?74.14
The readings and other course resources deepened my understanding of the subject.74.29
The course site was structured to support student learning (e.g. participation, communication, collaboration).44.14
Questions about the Instructor...
How clearly did the instructor communicate what was expected of you in this course?74.14
How effective was the instructor in explaining challenging concepts and/or methods?73.71
How helpful was the feedback to you in improving your work?73.86
How inclusive did you find this class environment towards diverse backgrounds, identities, and life experiences?74.29
The instructor was organized, prepared, and responsive.74.00
The instructor created engaging, interactive learning experiences to foster student participation.73.71
The instructor used technology effectively to engage students.73.71

  • What aspects of the class contributed most to your learning?
    - Reading the notes.
    - class notes and presentations.
    - Lecture contents that combine knowledge with real word cases.

  • What were the most important things you learned from the course (i.e. knowledge, concepts, skills, perspectives)?
    - System design concept and analysis knowledge
    - The IT industry is under a lot of pressure, you need to learn things well.
    - knowledge.

  • Is there anything else you would like to share about the course?
    - Professor is very knowledgeable and experienced that can answer students questions from different perspectives.
    - The professor wants to focus the students' attention, but it can actually be done differently sometimes

  • Is there anything else you would like to share about the instructor?
    - Professor Sultan has a well–organized structure of the lecture, and combined his own knowledge and experience into the course. The class is full of ideas and perspectives from professor and classmates. Hopefully, we could have more opportunities to exchange ideas in future.
    - good but too loud.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Summer 2023

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Questions about the Course...
How clear were the goals of the course?44.75
How effective were the assignments in helping you meet the course goals?44.75
How effective was the design/structure of the course in helping you learn?44.50
To what extent were diverse voices and perspectives integrated into this course?44.25
The readings and other course resources deepened my understanding of the subject.45.00
The course site was structured to support student learning (e.g. participation, communication, collaboration).44.75
Questions about the Instructor...
How clearly did the instructor communicate what was expected of you in this course?44.50
How effective was the instructor in explaining challenging concepts and/or methods?44.75
How timely was the feedback that you received on your work?44.75
How helpful was the feedback to you in improving your work?44.75
How inclusive did you find this class environment towards diverse backgrounds, identities, and life experiences?45.00
How receptive was the instructor to diverse student viewpoints?44.75
The instructor was organized, prepared, and responsive.44.75
The instructor created engaging, interactive learning experiences to foster student participation.44.25
The instructor used technology effectively to engage students.44.75

  • What aspects of the class contributed most to your learning?
    - The notes, examples and platform provided that we could play with.
    - Class notes, website, and homeworks contributed most to learning. Going over the homework answers was very helpful.
    - The professor's notes and book.

  • What were the most important things you learned from the course (i.e. knowledge, concepts, skills, perspectives)?
    - Joins and unions
    - learned a lot about SQL and writing SELECT statements.
    - how to code in MySQL and Oracle.

  • What recommendations do you have for improving the class?
    - Slightly more time on the final exam. Maybe 10 more minutes.
    - Be patient with students

  • Is there anything else you would like to share about the COURSE?
    - appreciate the professor's passion for the subject.
    - The course is very well taught and challenging. There's a lot of materials covered throughout the course.
  • Thank you for teaching this course. From knowing very little, I learned a lot. The website, lecture notes and homeworks are very helpful.

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Spring 2023

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...55.0
The course objectives were clearly stated.55.0
The course was well organized.55.0
The course was intellectually stimulating.55.0
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.55.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...55.0
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.54.8
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.55.0

Course Comments:

  • The instructor's notes are so clear and helpful.

  • Ample notes provided

  • Providing useful notes and evaluating a student's work with work environment standards are beneficial for the future career development of the student.
    I appreciate the way Prof deliver the course, he is full of passion, and with a sense of humor, Many body language and strong facial expression definitely add to this course. I would never feel borned when I take this course

  • well organized and the notes are really clear and helpful

  • The professor is very passion about data and teaching, his notes are really clear.

Instructor Comments:

  • The instructor gave constructive feedback on assignments and class participation to encourage us to improve their work.

  • - warning to those who are playing on their phone during the class
    - developed a useful and stable website where you can test out the sql codes without downloading any softwares

  • I would say mandatory attendance if it counts. Since there is no Zoom and Zoom recording.

  • professor was kind and patient with our questions

Suggestion for specific changes:

  • it would be helpful to incorporate Zoom class as well.

  • put more weights on data mining

  • Maybe it will be better to have more hands-on exercises.

Web Development with Python and MySQL (INFO1-CE9367) - Spring 2023

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...44.5
The course objectives were clearly stated.44.5
The course was well organized.44.5
The course was intellectually stimulating.44.5
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.44.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...44.5
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.44.3
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.44.3

Course Comments:

  • The professor's Python website was super helpful. He included all of the codes in each topic and allowed us to reference to. Please continue to do that. This class was intellectually stimulating. Thank you!

  • Ample notes provided

  • I love the idea of that we start small and build up to the big picture. All the tools that the professor built for the class!

  • The professor does things step by step and he really shows in detail through and code how things work. Also the way the homework is structured and turned in is good.

Instructor Comments:

  • He always asked, "Are you listening?" "Do you agree?" "Agree?" to make sure that we are listening in class. He also encourages us to stay on camera.

  • yelled to focus your attention

  • Tried to ensure that we understand things in a sequential order to build a bigger picture.
    Also answered all clarifying questions and tried to show it through examples.
    NOTE the various tools that were created for the course were AWESOME. They helped a lot :)

  • He would always interact with the students by relating certain questions they had with a part of the lesson if applicable.

Suggestion for specific changes:

  • Not much - Maybe give us a bio-break every hour. :)

  • I wouldn't change a thing.

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Spring 2022

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...35.0
The course objectives were clearly stated.35.0
The course was well organized.35.0
The course was intellectually stimulating.35.0
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.35.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...35.0
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.35.0
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.35.0

Course Comments:

  • Extremely Hands-on, gives a lot of opportunity to learn new aspects and practice it as well.

  • logical and theoretical contents

  • Difficult but terrific SQL Query homework.. But difficult.

Instructor Comments:

  • The professor was super engaging and had a unique and interesting way of teaching that made the difficult concepts easy to comprehend as well.

  • Q&A in classes

  • Enthusiasm
Suggestion for specific changes:

  • I think the course is well balanced between theory and practical work and does not need any major change as such.

  • more practical contents

  • Sometimes you are scary, in a good way. It is not personal.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Fall 2021

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...54.6
The course objectives were clearly stated.54.8
The course was well organized.54.6
The course was intellectually stimulating.54.8
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.54.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...54.6
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.54.6
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.54.6

Course Comments:

  • Posting of the demos/examples

  • Notes are great. I printed them all out and made a binder.
    The recordings are great; I watched most of them in addition to attending every class session.
    The instructor delivers the content in a way that keeps my attention. He incorporates jokes and tries to change the pitch of his voice to highlight particular points.
    He is ANIMATED and that is really needed for technology topics that can be dry and put people to sleep.
    I like that he reviews the homework at the start of class and asks if anyone has any questions.

  • Personally I think you have one of the best instructors that I have ever taken. He should get a raise.

  • the website is amazing and the SQL tester is so helpful when querying data.

  • Very Well Explained, and easily to understand complex topics

Instructor Comments:

  • Asked questions and repeated concepts

  • Sam Sultan encourages everyone to start off small, gain some confidence. He enforces the concept that we can all do this. So you're not afraid to start playing with the concepts. He requires everyone to have their cameras on. He asks if anyone has questions several times during every class. He gives us homework to encourage us to practice.

  • He urged all of us to practice, practice, practice.

  • Participation, asking questions

  • He called on students and always made sure our cameras were on when in session!

Suggestion for specific changes:

  • I had trouble remembering the password to the homework answers. Maybe send an email after the homework was due that has the password to the answers? Or send it right before the last class, so when you're reviewing the homework to study you have the info.

  • This is a stupid question. I wouldn't change a thing.

  • Weekly or biweekly quizzes would be helpful for students to reinforce course materials.

  • short group or individual assignments in the course

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Spring 2021

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...44.5
The course objectives were clearly stated.44.3
The course was well organized.44.5
The course was intellectually stimulating.44.8
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.44.3
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...44.5
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.44.8
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.45.0

Course Comments:

  • A lot of useful information was provided and all is useful for being a data analyst

  • I learned a lot.

  • Great course

  • Thanks for professor's patience and enthusiasm which really made this session become more attractive.

Instructor Comments:

  • Very detailed notes

  • Speaking up

  • He truly paid much attention on whether we followed him, and whether we still have problem on things he taught. Only when we made the positive reaction he would move on, or he would ask us the unclear place, very nice!
Suggestion for specific changes:

  • I hope we can have more practical exercises and more examples.

  • Pay more attention to time

  • Nothing, I think professor Sultan is truly excellent, whatever his professional and teaching style.

Systems Development & Analysis - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3210) - Spring 2021

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...34.3
The course objectives were clearly stated.35.0
The course was well organized.34.3
The course was intellectually stimulating.34.0
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.34.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...34.3
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.34.3
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.34.0

Course Comments:

  • Interactive discussion

  • The way Professor Sultan teaches is great, he gives tons of examples. My only critique is that it should be more engaging, less nodding for approval.
Instructor Comments:

  • Good homeworks and lectures

  • Encourages us to keep our cameras on

  • Constantly asking to students to nod if we understand
Suggestion for specific changes:

  • Pop up quizes during the class, share the latest news related to systems developments and analysis

  • I wish we have a rating rubric for homeworks

  • Make lectures more engaging, ask more questions to ensure the students are actually grasping the info

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Summer 2020

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...64.7
The course objectives were clearly stated.64.7
The course was well organized.64.5
The course was intellectually stimulating.64.7
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.64.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...64.8
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.64.5
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.64.7

Course Comments:

  • The instructor was well versed in the material

  • found Professor Sultan to be very engaging and easy to follow during the online sessions. He is thorough with the coursework and thoughtful to address the common pitfalls for new users. I believe that he should continue to leverage the SQL*Tester as an environment for students to access the database and perform queries. He should continue demonstrating examples through this medium and to guide the thought process into building a query.

  • The instructor has a strong knowledge of SQL as a query language. He also provides nice examples and illustrates complex ideas in an effective way.

  • Professor always give swift response to students and willing to help students in every way he can.

  • The lab/demo database is fantastic help. It's a great idea to jump right in off the top.

  • Prof. Sultan is extremely knowledgeable and a great professor. This was the best class i've taken on this subject and it will help me a lot professionally.
Instructor Comments:

  • Acknowledged each student online.

  • Professor Sultan would frequently keep questions open and would make it relatable by trying to find real world problems we are facing in our work in addition to how SQL can address it.

  • The instructor was asking questions and doing polls to encourage participation. I believe the whole experience would be way better without the COVID-19 situation.

  • Professor would use jokes to make some dull concepts sound interesting.

  • Professor Sultan is an absolute treasure! He cracks me up, keeps everyone on their toes, isn't shy, doesn't hold back a drop. I've never seen an instructor this animated; he made what could have been incredibly dry a lot of fun. All of that makes it almost impossible not to participate.

  • Prof. followed up on homework, called on people in class, suggested extra reading
Suggestion for specific changes:

  • Not so loud

  • Keep up with the good work

  • It'd be helpful if there were a practice final or midterm to prepare us for what the final would be like. The 1hr 15min moves so incredibly fast--a completely different exercise than the homework. Having a preview of how that small timeframe would feel would've encouraged me to practice even more to prepare my reflexes for anything.

Database Technologies for Web Applications - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3540) - Fall 2019

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...164.4
The course objectives were clearly stated.164.7
The course was well organized.164.7
The course was intellectually stimulating.164.4
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.164.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...164.5
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.164.4
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.164.5

Comment on positive aspects that should be continued.

  • Professor has a lot of passion

  • The course materials are very technical which is exactly what I was expecting from a graduate-level course. The professor explains concepts very well and straight to the point. The materials from the professor himself are very useful with a lot of examples we can refer to.

  • Excellent Slides

  • Explaining concepts deeply. I like how the professor does not only teach how to do things, but why do we do that, and the underlying concepts behind them.

  • I love Professor Sultan's notes and his online syllabus web page! They helped me keep on track throughout the semester and I really learned a lot from the resources he provided.

  • The class notes and class website

  • The lecture notes are great, clear and well organized, easy to understand. Every knowledge point is accompanied by example(s) to help understand. The best notes I have ever seen.

  • Very content-rich

  • It is good to have HTML,CSS, Python/PHP wrap up in one class to build the web application. Understand cookies and HTTP are definitely helpful.

  • Great passion about tech! Love Sam!!

  • The teacher is very in-depth at the conceptual level, let the students understand the lowest level of operation, and encourage students to think differently

What did the faculty member do to encourage your participation in the course?

  • Get angry some times haha

  • Calls our attention in class

  • The teacher often raises the volume to alert students to thinking about the problem and uses a variety of cases on his personal webpage for teaching. Let students follow the examples on the webpage, run them themselves in class, and complete the coding according to the homework requirements.

  • Question everyone and everything and encourages students to do the same.

  • Professor Sultan is very passionate in teaching and we love it!

  • The professor is excellent. I can't miss any class, or I will unable to keep up with the class.

  • attendance sheet

  • Answer the questions

  • speak in a loud voice

  • He is very energetic in teaching and has his way to bring our attention to the course content.

  • Know better from different perspectives

Suggest specific changes that the faculty member could make to improve the course.

  • more participation during lecture

  • please give us a break for a 3hr class. We cannot focus for that long.

  • More homework so we can practice and learn more, like homework on how to do cookie

  • Less focus on SQL and html and more on python.

  • I would recommend Professor Sultan to not yell as much in class - I understand that is how he expresses his excitement regarding a certain topic but please don't hurt your throat!

  • More group works in class

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Fall 2019

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...64.8
The course objectives were clearly stated.65.0
The course was well organized.65.0
The course was intellectually stimulating.64.8
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.65.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...64.8
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.65.0
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.64.2

Course Comments:

  • Very good professor. He is very professional and intelligent.

  • Sam's excitement about SQL and learning.

  • It's important to focus on fundamentals which Sam did really well. Would have liked more class participation and collaboration in solving assignments

  • Great teacher, interactive helpfull notes

  • Everything! The course was structured properly and the professor went through the material in an organized manner which helped learn and understand the course better.

  • Class notes, website & homework are all readily accessible from the first day of class. Very good structure.

Instructor Comments:

  • He explains the concept very well and encourages us to learn deeper

  • He posed questions to the students, he asked for feedback, he made jokes

  • He is great at voice modulation and intonation. He tried his best to engage the class through clever questions and examples from his professional and academic life

  • Think and question everything

  • Ask questions - encouraged participation by asking agree or disagree, yes/no questions. Very receptive to questions on the homework at the start of class.

  • Passionate about the fundamentals, asks a lot of questions

Suggestion for specific changes:

  • He could make more clear what would be on the final exam.

  • Have a midterm so students know what to expect on the final

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Summer 2019

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...74.7
The course objectives were clearly stated.74.7
The course was well organized.74.9
The course was intellectually stimulating.74.6
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.74.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...74.3
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.74.3
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.74.3

Comment on positive aspects that should be continued.

  • professor is full of passion and objective is very clear

  • professor develop his own webpage for sql, which saves much time of downloading sql application and configure its working environment.

  • notes are useful. SQL tester is also useful for students who did not take database design & management course.

  • notes and student engagement

  • class notes are clearly written

  • inspiring lectures

What did the faculty member do to encourage your participation in the course?

  • he is very knowledgeable and clearly explain the question from student

  • take attendance

  • by asking questions and engaging in the class.

  • participation grade

  • asking question during the lecture
Suggest specific changes that the faculty member could make to improve the course.

  • probably teach more hard skills

  • nothing

  • Give more time on the exam. Use more NYU Classes functions

  • There is no need to change.

  • start to check on the group project process earlier during the semester.

  • need more homework

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Summer 2019

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...64.7
The course objectives were clearly stated.64.8
The course was well organized.65.0
The course was intellectually stimulating.65.0
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.64.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...65.0
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.65.0
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.64.5

Comment on positive aspects that should be continued.

  • The course content is up-to-date, the delivery method that Mr. Sultan uses is excellent (he created his own materials and his own interface to test and practice programming).

  • Professor Sultan is an excellent instructor. It was a pleasure to be in his class.

  • Sam:
    - REALLY knows what he is doing
    - has amazing enthusiasm and energy
    - provides an astounding amount of bespoke course materials that I was able to use exclusively (i.e.
    I did not buy the textbook - however it is not because I did not want to buy the book. But the amount and depth of what Sam provided on his website was so extensive that I felt it was important to understand this material in the limited time I had before inviting additional distractions).

  • weekly assignments

  • I really liked the homework assignments and project as well as the examples in class

  • The course is very well organized and the sequence of presenting the topics is made intuitive. The materials supporting the course are extensive and complete.

What did the faculty member do to encourage your participation in the course?

  • Asked direct questions, made sure people were paying attention, inquired about silence when there were no reactions, and answered questions without judgement.

  • He got us engaged in the class discussion.

  • He LOUDLY made sure that we were paying attention and was always very eager to hear anything we were inclined to say about the material. He always answered every question that was asked, sometimes to the point where we weren't able to fully cover the material in the lesson plans. I got the impression that he wants to interact with students more than most students are willing to interact with him!

  • participation was always welcome

  • Was extremely attentive and very knowledgeable about the course materials and had a very well organized website

  • Prof. Sultan's passion for the subject motivated and inspired me to learn and participate in class.

Suggest specific changes that the faculty member could make to improve the course.

  • More homework assignments would be helpful in preparing for the exams and final project.

  • It would have helped me to have more practical instruction in how to string together javascript elements into working code. One suggestion I have is for Sam to ask the class to build some simple snippets on their screens, in class, that are designed to ensure that we actually know how to implement the material under discussion. Then walk around and make sure everyone's doing it right.

  • Give assignments in class or weekly

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Spring 2019

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...44.5
The course objectives were clearly stated.44.8
The course was well organized.44.8
The course was intellectually stimulating.44.3
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.44.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...44.8
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.44.8
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.44.8

Course Comments:

  • The teacher's passion for teaching this course is noticeable and it encourages students to pay attention and participate in class.

  • The teacher is professional.

  • We have both theoretical and practical course content which is excellent!

  • This class contains adequate useful knowledge, but the teaching style is too ignorant

Instructor Comments:

  • The professor is passionate.

  • Professor Sultan has a dramatic personality and it is good to have while teaching database. He cares about our learning reflections; thus, he yells a lot. But he also smiles if we are all being engaged and get the knowledge. The handout is very helpful on after class review.

  • Occasionally yelling

  • Teach more please

  • Although Sam provided a lot of knowledge and help, I asked a question once but he kind of ignored me "Go google it, I'm sure there is a discuss" and then he turned to some other student. After that, I just didn't feel want to engage anymore. Yeah sometimes, teachers can be ignorant.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Spring 2019

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...35.0
The course objectives were clearly stated.35.0
The course was well organized.35.0
The course was intellectually stimulating.35.0
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.35.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...35.0
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.35.0
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.35.0

Course Comments:

  • Sam Sultan is a great teacher and I would love to take his Advanced SQL course.

  • Teacher was very passionate.

  • The professor was dedicated and extremely knowledgeable, engaging, and helpful.

  • Course should be taught over more sessions, less time each class.

Instructor Comments:

  • Actively engaged with class, Made us repeat after him, etc.

  • It was native to this method of teaching. Had no choice not to participate, which is a positive.

  • Class discussions and created customized way to practice the work.

Database Technologies for Web Applications - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3540) - Fall 2018

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
Overall Evaluation of the course...114.1
The course objectives were clearly stated.114.5
The course was well organized.114.3
The course was intellectually stimulating.114.2
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.114.1
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...114.0
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.114.0
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.114.3

Comment on positive aspects that should be continued.

  • I think everything was brought together really well. Assignments being practical application in a real environment where you published pages to the web was useful.

  • teacher is responsible

  • - The lectures and notes are well organized
    - An eye-opening experience, enjoy learning the foundations of the database technologies and programming

  • Engaging course presentation.

  • professor lecture is very clear and the web service using for is class is very cool

  • class notes are very clear and organized which are helpful for the reviewing

  • In my opinion, Sam is the most conscientious professor among all professors in SPS. He is so passionate about teaching and well-prepared for all the classes. If he finds something wrong or even if just not perfect on his notes, he will immediately mark down and correct it later (quite fast!). I never see any other professors act like that. I respect and admire his attitude for teaching!

  • The professor's website provides many good resources, which is really helpful.

  • have learned lots of new knowledge

  • Class note is clearly written.

  • The notes are perfect and the website is also wonderful

What did the faculty member do to encourage your participation in the course?

  • Good lectures, told some jokes

  • reading, but for a coding class that does not help at all, if teacher can demonstrate more on a screen/projector instead of talking that would be more encouraging.

  • Extremely knowledgeable about programming foundations and shares his expertise in the most detail way; Unexpected roarings in class, but keep students focusing.

  • Real life example related to the learning objective.

  • participation

  • raised the voice suddenly and caught students' attention

  • He is passionate about teaching and learning, so students could be influenced.

  • He gives good examples and extra explanations in class.

  • by asking questions

  • Suddenly raise his voice in the middle of the class...

  • Group project and individual assignment

Suggest specific changes that the faculty member could make to improve the course.

  • Setting up databases with web interaction is really useful, have a part 2 to this class to further extend the skills taught.

  • - Balance the time and amount of assignments, exams, final project throughout the semester.
    - Reduce ambiguity in assignment instructions or requirements, if only the particular output is accepted.

  • Provide more hands on exercise in class.

  • more hands on practice instead of reading the lecture notes. Students can read the notes at home

  • finish the class on time

  • Nothing

  • the course time could be organized better

  • Please don't get emotional in the class.

  • None. But I hope the course can last longer, 6 weeks is too short.

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Fall 2018

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.44.3
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.44.5
The course objectives were clearly stated.44.5
The course was well organized.44.5
The course was intellectually stimulating.44.5
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.44.3
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...44.3
Overall Evaluation of the course...44.3

Course Comments:

  • Good class teaching

  • The speech was very informative
    The examples in the lecture are very detailed

  • The professor is good at explaining the definitions that help students to understand. He gave out all notes before class, so students can pre-study, take notes, and review easily. Besides, the workload after class is well-balanced, which makes sure that students understand the knowledge but don't feel stressful.

Instructor Comments:

  • Good Communications

  • The interaction in class.
    Homework assigned according to the content in class
    Exams are based on lectures

  • Exciting lectures during the class.

  • Everthing is great

  • The homework should be more about the idea part rather than query

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Summer 2018

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.34.7
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.34.7
The course objectives were clearly stated.34.7
The course was well organized.34.7
The course was intellectually stimulating.34.3
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.34.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...34.7
Overall Evaluation of the course...34.7

Course Comments:

  • the course website is well-designed

  • Professor Sultan did an excellent communicating difficult material in an easy-to-understand manner. Course discussed advanced concepts and made me eager to enroll in the subsequent course

  • Sam Sultans teaching practices are great

Instructor Comments:

  • strong enthusiastic etc

  • Assigned homework and discussed the solution in the subsequent class. Also, encouraged us to explore the Java API to acquire a deeper understanding of various static objects

  • allow some time to actually run the code and the result while doing the lecture. Sometimes it is hard to follow the lecture, and it may be easier to learn by seeing the result

Advanced SQL Programming (INFO1-CE5150) - Spring 2018

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.54.6
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.54.6
The course objectives were clearly stated.54.4
The course was well organized.54.8
The course was intellectually stimulating.54.6
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.54.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...54.6
Overall Evaluation of the course...54.6

Course Comments

  • Great instructor, really knows the course subject and is very engaging with the class.

  • I enjoyed discussions around database design.

  • Excellent explanation of the concepts.

  • Prof. continually mentioned key words to help us remember and understand the key concepts.

  • Sam's passion in teaching.

What did the faculty member do to encourage your participation in the course?

  • Asked lots of questions, made the course subject very interesting..

  • excellent in class questions and answers.

  • Encourage us to read more book and learn more by ourselves during our spare time..

  • Professor created proprietary tools and our own schema to practice and test the class and homework examples. Excellent class!.

Suggest specific changes that the faculty member could make to improve the course.

  • Great course, cannot think of anything that could be improved.

  • Create an environment that's more accepting of questions.

  • This class has the intensive format of 9am to 6pm. I think it is too much. Getting information overload. Particularly there is no chance to fully digest and practice the materials from the last day. It may help if NYU would change the class time from 8 hours to 6 hours per session..

  • Prof was awesome!

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Spring 2018

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.45.0
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.45.0
The course objectives were clearly stated.45.0
The course was well organized.45.0
The course was intellectually stimulating.45.0
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.45.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...45.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...45.0

Course Comments

  • Excellent course materials. The class is being taught like a regular computer science class. Vigorous. Professor does an excellent job in explaining the technology. Look forward to taking other classes with this professor.

  • No changes, professor is very engaged and engaging

  • Sam Sultan should continue as the instructor. He is a very good prof.

What did the faculty member do to encourage your participation in the course?

  • He asks questions and encourages the class to answer.

  • He told us to study 3 hours for every hour of the course, 12 hours per week. He is enthusiastic about the subject and explains many applications of each aspect he is covering.

Suggest specific changes that the faculty member could make to improve the course.

  • Perhaps extend the class for another two hours to have a workshop.

  • N/A

  • The material is hard - and very dense, there's a lot of it - for a person who never studied programming language. At least half the class worked as programmers - no shortage of students - the class was full. It would be helpful if you mention in the class description that some advance knowledge of programming language is advised. I know and use many advanced computer programs, advanced features of Office, Final Cut, Quickbooks, etc., but for databases I only studied Database III plus and Access. I could not grasp it all and I run a company so could not always carve out 12 hours a week to study.

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Fall 2017

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.124.7
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.124.8
The course objectives were clearly stated.124.7
The course was well organized.124.4
The course was intellectually stimulating.124.5
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.124.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...124.6
Overall Evaluation of the course...124.4

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The content and structure of the course

  • The professor provides very much detailed notes and information about all the aspect related to the class topic. Instead of being a theoretical class, he also teaches the technical or hands-on part which makes the class more meaningful and interesting.

  • loved the teaching format and the way professor organized and taught us so many stuffs in such less time

  • the professor has many prior experiences in this data mining field and he can always answer the questions student have; great detailed notes

  • loved the teaching format and the way professor organized and taught us so many stuffs in such less time

  • Careful review on projects and assignments, on time email response, professional altitude towards students' questions

  • The notes and the tools are so helpful for learning

  • This is one of the best instructors I have had at SPS in the last three full-time semesters. Prof. Sultan definitely cares about his students and about the students actually getting some value out of his classes. He knows how to explain difficult material in a manner that a novice would understand and he enjoy seeing that the students get it. All database classes should be taught by a professor like Prof. Sultan, unfortunately there are other professors who are absolutely not motivated, have negative attitude and are just not worth taking the class with at SPS. I wish I knew that earlier.

  • Clear instructions and organized materials

  • He give us lot of use information for SQL and data warehousing. It is good for understand of Data Mining

  • he tried to develop passion in us for the subject and introduced us with so many new technologies and tools

  • Prof Sultan creates a positive class environment and welcomes questions and general feedback. He never gives up on a student and always does his best to ensure his response is well understood.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would not change anything

  • More sql exercises in class

  • Add more hands-on exercises and more cutting-edge big data/ cloud topics

Additional Comments

  • We need more instructors like Prof. Sultan!

  • Please give us more time to do exam

Database Technologies for Web Applications - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3540) - Fall 2017

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.104.0
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.104.3
The course objectives were clearly stated.104.3
The course was well organized.104.3
The course was intellectually stimulating.104.5
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.104.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...104.2
Overall Evaluation of the course...104.3

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Clearly stated requirements, well organized curriculum structure, lots of hands-on exercise

  • practical assignment and final project

  • great materials

  • Sam brought new challenges in every course and motivated us not to compromise to any obstacles.

  • Since the homework is difficult, it encouraged us to learn by ourselves.

  • quick feedback about assignments, clear notes

  • Mr. Sultan is a very nice and responsible. He has a lot of passion towards students and courses. I am very appreciative of that

  • He will offer some jokes and experience to encourage students to participate the class.

  • The instructor is very great. I have a good experience during the class

  • Class notes and materials are quite helpful.

  • Encourages us to ask questions

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Try to slow down the pace and not too emotional

  • Make a powerpoint slides will be helpful for students to learn

  • show us more about how to code

  • Maybe extend the class to one semester. Currently, the time is very intense for the final project, midterm and final exams
Additional Comments

  • So far it is perfect

  • don't shout so much

  • The homework is very difficult.

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Spring 2017

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,   4 - Agree,   5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor provided an environment that was conducive to learning.94.4
The instructor provided helpful feedback on assessed class components.94.6
The course objectives were clearly stated.94.4
The course was well organized.94.6
The course was intellectually stimulating.94.6
The content of the course met the stated learning outcomes.94.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...94.4
Overall Evaluation of the course...94.4

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The professor presents very clearly and the class material is understandable and helpful.

  • I learned a lot.

  • Instructor Sam Sultan clearly has spent a great, great deal of time in investing in all different means for students to be successful. It really comes off in notes he provides and his availability to discuss concepts with students.

  • The professor has passion about teaching.

  • Professor encouraged us to try the sql in the class materials, and it was fun.

  • He created a lot of materials and a class good environment.

  • Sam did a great job to explain complicated concepts and encourage students to participate in the class.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • please end class on time.

  • Might want to focus more on practical aspects instead of theoretical.

  • I want to learn more SQL queries and business project instead of a lot of basic theory knowledge. The course contains too many theory instead of case study related to database mining.

Additional Comments

  • The class should be focus on fewer topics.

  • Please give us more time to do exam

  • The professor is perfect

Database Technologies for Web Applications - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3540) - Fall 2016

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.86.8
The course was appropriately challenging.86.6
The course met my learning expectations.86.8
The course was relevant to my program.86.9
The instructor was well prepared.86.9
The instructor communicated well.86.9
The instructor motivated me to learn.86.9
Overall Evaluation of the course...86.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...86.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The assignments consist of mostly hands-on coding practices which are extremely helpful in terms of strengthening the skills we've learned in class.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Just keep it the way it is, keep yelling and slapping us. This is the how you learn

Additional Comments

  • Sam Sultan is one of the best professors in NYU SPS

  • I still remember Prof.Sultan once said,"I cherish life because there are so many things to learn." I admire him for what he has been achieved and I'm thankful to him for being so motivating and inspiring. Best professor ever.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Fall 2016

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.46.2
The course was appropriately challenging.46.5
The course met my learning expectations.46.5
The course was relevant to my program.46.3
The instructor was well prepared.46.9
The instructor communicated well.46.5
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.5
Overall Evaluation of the course...46.2
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...46.5

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Instructor was great. Well prepared material.

  • The homework did a great job of recapping what we learned in class and building upon previous lessons. It was appropriately challenging and demanded home study to successfully complete. This helped keep me on track and maximize my learning.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Not a thing

  • More in class practice would be ideal.

Additional Comments

  • My only, albeit MAJOR complaint, is about the equipment and chairs. Chairs were very squeaky as each student moved around to get more comfortable, it was very distracting, perhaps a can of WD40 will resolve the issue. Also the computers were somewhat unreliable. On more than one occasion students had to relocate to computers that worked, and the boot time was unacceptably slow.

  • I really enjoyed the class and learned a ton. I think more clarity on what homework is due when would be more practical.

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Spring 2016

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.56.6
The course was appropriately challenging.56.4
The course met my learning expectations.56.0
The course was relevant to my program.56.4
The instructor was well prepared.56.6
The instructor communicated well.56.4
The instructor motivated me to learn.56.2
Overall Evaluation of the course...56.4
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...56.4

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The professor provided very detailed and comprehensive material for each lecture

  • Lead me to enter the door of data warehouse

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would not change anything

  • The professor should consider the grading system by assigning more weight to the final project, not the exams

  • It is perfect as is

Additional Comments

  • 6 weeks is too short

Systems Development & Analysis - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3210) - Spring 2016

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.27.0
The course was appropriately challenging.27.0
The course met my learning expectations.27.0
The course was relevant to my program.27.0
The instructor was well prepared.27.0
The instructor communicated well.27.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.27.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...26.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...27.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Professor is very prepared. Knows the material and is very passionate about the topic!

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • May be some work in groups while in class. But overall it has been such a great class, I would not change anything about it.

Additional Comments

  • Thank you!

  • We are so lucky and grateful to have such an amazing professor. Thank you!

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3510) - Fall 2015

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.47.0
The course met my learning expectations.46.5
The course was relevant to my program.47.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.46.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.5
Overall Evaluation of the course...46.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...46.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • I like that the professor posted out all his notes on the material we are gonna cover in classes in advance, this gives me a chance to preview

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I'd like to go further down to technical details

Additional Comments

  • If he can provide more information on career development, that would be great

Intermediate Java (INFO1-CE9269) - Summer 2015

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.66.5
The course was appropriately challenging.56.6
The course met my learning expectations.66.3
The course was relevant to my program.56.2
The instructor was well prepared.66.3
The instructor communicated well.56.2
The instructor motivated me to learn.66.1
Overall Evaluation of the course...65.9
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...66.1

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The Java Tester environment and all the sample programs

  • All the course

  • The explanation of why and how everything fits together in Java, and what happens under the hood

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • More in class coding

  • Nothing at all

Additional Comments

  • Emailing the course outline etc to student prior to first day of class is excellent approach. The instructor's passion for the material is obvious, and positively infectious.

  • Sam Sultan is a great teacher! I've learned more during his class than my previous four year college study.

  • Spend less time in the beginning of the course telling everyone that they are in the wrong class.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Spring 2015

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.46.8
The course met my learning expectations.46.8
The course was relevant to my program.47.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.46.5
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.5
Overall Evaluation of the course...47.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...46.5

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Sam Sultan is a great teacher. He has wonderful notes, believes in learning by DOING, and is able to break down programming into understandable components.

  • The prof's notes were exceptionally clear, organized and provided plenty of examples to practice on one's own.

  • Professor had well-prepared online environment for practice and evaluation. He also had comprehensive written outline chapter notes that we clear and well arranged.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Not a thing.

  • With a six session class, perhaps did not expect a full semester of coursework (24 lecture hours.)

Additional Comments

  • Professor is diligent and effective. Students are often difficult to get out of their shells, owing to nature of subject matter and size of lecture room.

  • Sam can be a bit loud at times :-). But that's just his personality. He's a great teacher.

  • Everything is great, but please do not yell so loud to wake people up - it disturbs those who are awake and paying attention Also, a few more challenging (extra credit?) problems on homeworks wouldn't hurt, as long as they aren't mandatory they would push students.

  • Wonderful online tools to help eager students learn at their own pace.

  • Material is high-powered. Perhaps a pre-requisite would be useful to weed out neophytes.

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Fall 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.106.9
The course was appropriately challenging.106.5
The course met my learning expectations.106.7
The course was relevant to my program.106.5
The instructor was well prepared.107.0
The instructor communicated well.106.8
The instructor motivated me to learn.106.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...106.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...106.7

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The way the teacher passed the information

  • The instructor was very knowledgable and made the class a special experience.

  • Sam is an effective communicator with a gift for expressing ideas in an easily digestible manner. He also made the course very enjoyable with his sense of humor.

  • The Course structure and learning material provided by the Professor were highly effective for me personally.

  • Sam's class notes were particularly effective.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • The course material is dense and requires a lot of time to work on. Extending the course by a 2-3 weeks would be helpful

  • Breaking this one session into 2 1.5hr sessions a week.

  • I would hope to see more examples in class - not just running Sam's examples in his Tester but also manipulating the codes.

Additional Comments

  • The course was very well design, the sequence make sense at the end, love it

  • In my opinion, the Instructor provided us with some of the most detailed and thorough notes pertaining to the topics discussed in each class session I have ever seen. His teaching methods were fantastic! I would not change the Course. If I could, I would advised NYU to allow Mr. Sultan to teach Java 1 non-credit this upcoming semester.

  • The teacher has a passion for this field, he really knows what he is talking about, his level of knowledge is excellent. If I decide to continue for the level 1 and 2 has to be with him. Great personality, easy to follow, easy to understand.

  • The examples and the java tester tool which he developed is especially useful to help understand the topic.

  • Less yelling. Emphasis is good, hostility is not.

  • Keep providing future students with great examples of the topics pertaining to the Course and also keep providing students with excellent notes!!

Java I (INFO1-CE9269) - Fall 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.37.0
The course was appropriately challenging.36.7
The course met my learning expectations.37.0
The course was relevant to my program.37.0
The instructor was well prepared.37.0
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.37.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...37.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...37.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Sam Sultan is very good at explaining complex subjects. Very good teacher and has a good reputation among students in the class. I will be taking more courses taught by him. It would be great if he also taught java II and also cell phone applications. Many examples provided.

  • Very effective lectures - demos were clear and good examples of the lessons learned. The class pacing allowed for reinforcements of the topics discussed. Homework reinforced the lessons, homework reviews / comments reinforced the concepts discussed.

  • Course is very well taught.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Tues / Thurs schedule made it difficult to assign homework on Tuesday. As the homework exercises reinforced the concepts, a M/Th or Tu/F schedule might have allowed for more assignments and more interactive learning.

Additional Comments

  • Very good teacher. Explains complex subject very well. Many examples provided on his website. Very knowledgeable about the subjects that he teachers. 10 out of 10 for this one.

  • Professor Sultan was enthusiastic and engaged the class. Lesson structure worked particularly well: Introduce concept; Reinforce the concept with analogy to "real-life"; Show code example interactively; Run code highlighting new concepts and integrating the old concepts

Java I (INFO1-CE9269) - Summer 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.86.2
The course was appropriately challenging.86.6
The course met my learning expectations.86.0
The course was relevant to my program.86.9
The instructor was well prepared.86.8
The instructor communicated well.86.4
The instructor motivated me to learn.86.2
Overall Evaluation of the course...86.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...86.4

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Professor Sultan is a great professor. The online resources he provided helped me understand Java tremendously.

  • The class notes and presentation are exceptional. The homework assignments were challenging and keep you involved for the rest of the week.

  • The passion for teaching and real life analogies were really effective.

  • Java 1 is a technical subject but Sam Sultan had made it interesting and inspiring. I found core java, GUI and the db lessons very effective.

  • Class notes provided were excellent.

  • The course was very well organized and thought out. It was this level of organization by Sam Sultan that make a difficult subject matter easy to digest.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would have preferred to take this class during the day.

  • I'm not sure how you could do it, but hands on lab work would be helpful.

  • I know his assignments are demanding. But I think there should be assignments every other session to teach us to code properly. His feedback is invaluable. On a summer course it was tough but assignments are a good tool to learn the lesson. It is an excellent course and I look forward to getting more courses from Prof Sultan.

  • More homework assignments. Less weight of final exam. Or have a midterm (there was none) and equally weight midterm and final.

  • I would force student to take the class Object Oriented Design and Analysis first. I made the mistake of taking Java 1 first. I think I would have gotten more out of Java 1 , if I had the Design and Analysis class under my belt already.

Additional Comments

  • Again, it was a pleasure attending class and learning from Professor Sultan.

  • This is the first NYU Continuing Ed class I have taken. It really exceeded my expectations. Previously I took a NJIT Continuing Ed class (IT course) and the quality of instruction was not as good as NYU.

  • Please please do what you can to keep Sam Sultan. He is a phenomenal instructor and I plan on taking several more classes with him. Please note: A lot of us IT SCPS students are not enthused about online classes. We prefer on sight classes. I myself am not registering for Java 2 in the fall because it is online. I hope you offer it on sight in the Spring.

  • His class notes are exceptional - they present the material far more efficiently than just a text book. His animated style plays very well for a 3 1/2 class beginning at 6 p.m.

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent professor and has all the tools and knowledge to inspire and guide us to learn more by ourselves. He comes prepared and is able to explain in a manner that is easy to understand. His way of teaching encouraged me to research more. He is an asset to your academia.

  • Sam Sultan is exceptional. He made a very complicated subject matter understandable. He isn't just an instructor, he is a true mentor who really makes you want to learn tons more in the field.

  • Sam's personal style of teaching (yelling and mockery) is incredibly abrasive. I felt very discouraged to ask questions as he mocks students who ask questions.

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent teacher; his passion for programming and ability to hold class attention made the experience very worthwhile for me.

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Summer 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.96.9
The course was appropriately challenging.106.4
The course met my learning expectations.106.7
The course was relevant to my program.106.6
The instructor was well prepared.107.0
The instructor communicated well.106.6
The instructor motivated me to learn.106.6
Overall Evaluation of the course...106.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...106.6

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Class notes were concise and to the point. Website is useful and well-organized.

  • The professor is really good and keeps the class motivaded. For a nightly course that is really important. The professor also offers all the notes, various templates and tools to improve the learning experience.

  • First of, the professor is a passionate teacher who explains things thoroughly. His website is also wonderful in providing tons of examples and his notes online are fantastic!

  • The introduction to data structures and how they relate to programming concepts.

  • Professor Sultan's notes were extremely helpful. They were clear & informative - a great reference for learning in class and for review afterword. They made it easy to focus on the concepts instead of staying stuck on "catching" all the detailed information. The course website was another extraordinarily helpful tool. It made the structure of the class and the curriculum easy to follow and organized the tools available (JavaTester, link to the Java APIs, class notes, etc.)

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I wish homework was less conundrum, but more walk through exercise.

  • I wouldn't change a thing!

  • 3.5 hours is a long time. I would prefer 2.5 and additional weeks

  • more (optional?) practice examples/homework/challenges

Additional Comments

  • Sam Sultan is an awesome professor. I've already taken him for 3 classes (including this one) and I continue to look for classes that I'm interested in especially when he teaches them. Excellent verbal & communication skills to explain things by breaking them down.

  • This is my first course at NYU, but I have been very impressed with the quality of the course and the tuition. I have taken courses at other universities and private learning centers ($$$), and they're not as good as this one.

  • The professor is really good and keeps the class motivaded. For a nightly course that is really important. The profesor also offers all the notes, various templates and tools to improve the learning experience

  • Mr Sultan was very engaging and kept the class engaged during the sessions. His dynamism and passion was refreshing and motivated me to delve deep into the subject matter, despite my mediocre performance in the coursework.

  • Not a thing!

  • Sam distills out the most essential concepts and then strongly reinforces them through lectures and homework. He's a bit of a task master, but it's a very effective style for learning a programming language. Exactly what I needed.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Summer 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.37.0
The course met my learning expectations.47.0
The course was relevant to my program.37.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.47.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...46.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...47.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Solid explanation of database normalization.

  • Experienced instructor. Great communicator of the material. Class notes and homeworks - all written by instructor, were very helpful and good for hands-on learning

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I think it was difficult in only a 5 week span.

  • To NYU: Please try to not schedule annual maintenance during summer session. This was a Saturday morning class, so we had one Saturday where NYU servers were down.

Additional Comments

  • Sam is a great teacher.

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Spring 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.106.7
The course was appropriately challenging.106.9
The course met my learning expectations.106.3
The course was relevant to my program.106.2
The instructor was well prepared.106.8
The instructor communicated well.106.8
The instructor motivated me to learn.106.7
Overall Evaluation of the course...96.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...106.9

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The website Sam set up for this course was very helpful. Everything from his weekly class notes, to his examples & demos, to the Java Tester became essential tools to my education.

  • Excellent instructor. Sam Sultan made a dry subject interesting. I would recommend this class to my colleagues.

  • This could be the best organized class I have ever taken. He refused to discuss anything that he had not yet taught - I've never seen that before. This is an excellent technique to maintain focus for the class. Professor Sultan has an animated style which is critical as the class is 3 1/2 hours at the end of a long day - a full day of work with travel into the city. The homework was fair, but challenging. Professor Sultan's webpage demos and Java Tester are excellent training tools.

  • The professor was very good at putting things in understandable terms, and making a difficult topic easier to digest.

  • Homework assignments were challenging but good ways to learn the material.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • As unpopular as it seems, I would suggest more homework for the class. Learning the structure of object oriented programming was very challenging in the back half of the class, and some mandatory homework would have helped to drive home some concepts.

  • Length of class could be shortened. More classes, less time per class.

  • Nothing, I am 100% satisfied with this class.

  • More programming examples in class.

Additional Comments

  • Sam's passion for the topic was evident and was really able to motivate and drive home concepts about the Java language.

  • Keep the energy level high. Your energy is what made the class interesting.

  • The professor was very engaging and kept me engaged. It was a 6-9:30 class which would be hard for most people to keep an audience engaged.

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Spring 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.37.0
The course was appropriately challenging.36.7
The course met my learning expectations.37.0
The course was relevant to my program.36.5
The instructor was well prepared.37.0
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.37.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...37.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...37.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The instructor is very good at pacing the class so people who are a little less experienced can catch up and the more experienced students will also be challenged. The notes, examples, and demos that the instructor offers on his website are extremely helpful to go over the concepts and get enough practice. The instructor is able to make the class engaging and he is an expert in making the difficult concepts easy to understand.

  • I think the amount of examples provided and when we went over the examples was very helpful.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I wouldn't change anything.

  • Possibly adding larger take home assignment projects, or reviewing each others code.

Additional Comments

  • Excellent course.

  • I can't think of any changes I would suggest. The instructor's ability to teach is excellent and his high standards and passion for the subject are inspiring for all of us.

Systems Development & Analysis - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3210) - Spring 2014

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.66.7
The course was appropriately challenging.65.8
The course met my learning expectations.66.7
The course was relevant to my program.66.8
The instructor was well prepared.66.8
The instructor communicated well.66.7
The instructor motivated me to learn.66.7
Overall Evaluation of the course...65.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...66.5

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Encouraging self-study and research for a course topic.

  • Guide to course materials provided by professor.

  • I think the professor bringing his own experiences into the classroom is what differentiates the course from more traditional classes taught.

  • Class interaction

  • Teacher's commitment to the students learning process. Teacher knows the subject very well. Discussion on real world experiences.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Adding more homework assignments to solidify learning materials.

  • More hands on approach

  • Overall I really liked the course and the knowledge gained was very useful. One change could be introducing little more positive reinforcement in terms of small assignments outside of class.

  • Probably the teacher would be also great by using a case study to develop the entire course. That would make the final project more interesting.

Additional Comments

  • Enjoyed the class

  • Great teacher.

MySQL with PHP (INFO1-CE9367) - Fall 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.36.7
The course was appropriately challenging.36.7
The course met my learning expectations.37.0
The course was relevant to my program.36.3
The instructor was well prepared.36.7
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.36.7
Overall Evaluation of the course...36.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...37.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Explanations on board, with diagrams helped elaborate/explain the points being made.

  • 1 The instructor has highly skills and passion in teaching
    2 The SQL*tester created by the instructor is really helpful
    3 The instructor always emphasize the importance of practice which motivate students to think more and work harder
    4 The notes and demos provided by the instructor are all great materials to assist learning

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Spread the material over one more class. Add a short review at the end of everything covered in the class.

  • I would like to have more classes other than just 7.

Additional Comments

  • Professor was able to make material more understandable through use of board and emphasis on what points were most important.

  • I learned a lot from this class, and I'll keep trying and always remember Professor Sultan's quotes - "Learning is a lifetime commitment".

  • Homeworks complemented the material in the lecture well. To improve homeworks, list which code samples online are relevant to the days lecture.

Database Technologies for Web Applications - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3540) - Fall 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.45.0
The course met my learning expectations.46.0
The course was relevant to my program.46.5
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.46.5
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...46.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...46.5

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • - The very handy and practical course notes with highlights of key points
    - Well organized course site
    - Very useful demo and example programs to facilitate a good grasp of knowledge and skills

  • Increased my communication skills and presentation skills

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • More real "analytical" content, more technical content

Additional Comments

  • Professor Sultan has been excellent. He has been not only focused on the text book knowledge but shared his practical experiences. Particularly I benefited a lot from his very handy and practical course notes with highlights of the key bullet points and his well organized course site with useful demo and sample programs to ensure a good grasp of knowledge and skills. I would like to recognize his academic professionalism and his thoughtfulness to attend the our needs.

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Fall 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.96.7
The course was appropriately challenging.96.1
The course met my learning expectations.96.3
The course was relevant to my program.96.3
The instructor was well prepared.96.9
The instructor communicated well.96.6
The instructor motivated me to learn.96.7
Overall Evaluation of the course...96.4
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...96.6

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The in-class lectures - the homework - the professor's notes

  • I have learnt the basics of Java in a way that I won't forget in my lifetime.

  • i appreciated that prof. sultan was able to break down complex terms and concepts into everyday language and examples

  • Notes and Website.

  • Excellent course - very well organized with great emphasis on concepts. Very well delivered by Sam.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • the one change i would make would be to have more hands on instruction on the computer. i was expecting a little more computer lab work going in but given the amount of information the professor covered that is probably unrealistic.

  • I would add more time :)

  • More rigor in homework

Additional Comments

  • the 3.5 hour lecture in one session is quite brutal. The last 1.5 hours in my opinion, are rendered moot because the amount of material is simply too overwhelming. As a student, I would prefer two classes during the week with the lecture broken up between the two sessions.

  • I am happy that I signed in for this course with professor Sam Sultan

  • overall a very good course with a knowledgeable professor.

  • This is a great beginners course and needs lots of time to understand the basics of a programming language with no previous programming background! Sam is a great professor who takes a lot of care to teach.

  • I would suggest spending less time on the first four sections but more time from section 5.

  • Extremely well organized content and delivery. It was very refreshing to see how Sam simplified a lot of the fundamental concepts in a manner that can be easily understood by someone new to programming.

Object Oriented System Analysis & Design - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3530) - Fall 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.45.5
The course met my learning expectations.46.5
The course was relevant to my program.47.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.47.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.5
Overall Evaluation of the course...47.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...47.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The lectures were especially helpful in simplifying my understanding of the material.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I think a more 'hands on' dimension to learning object-oriented analysis and design would have amplified my desire to learn the topics.

Additional Comments

  • Sam Sultan is still by far the best professor I have ever encountered.

  • I think being able to apply my understanding of topics learned in the 'conceptual' sense to a more 'pragmatic' one via, say, case studies or laboratory work could have better allowed me to develop the skill sets sought after finishing my degree. The positive aspects of this class were definitely the lectures, which were explained very well.

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Summer 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.76.3
The course was appropriately challenging.76.0
The course met my learning expectations.76.1
The course was relevant to my program.76.4
The instructor was well prepared.77.0
The instructor communicated well.76.9
The instructor motivated me to learn.76.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...76.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...76.7

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Sam Sultan's lecture style is very effective. He has a unique and excellent way of illustrating concepts with real world examples.

  • The prepared notes, the demo examples, and the well-organized direction of the class lecture all contribute to a strong learning curve, learning javascript.

  • The notes are fantastic, as are the resources on the website (demos, etc.)

  • The demos created by the instructor and weekly notes he provided.

  • Excellent teacher. Very organized and thorough

  • The homework and the examples and demos

  • Sam kept people on their toes and awake! The topics were presented in a orderly fashion and he provided students with lots of course materials.

  • The notes and demos were incredibly helpful. I appreciate the effort and time the instructor has put into both endeavors.

  • The instructor was passionate about the material and explained it in an interesting way.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Since this isn't a required course for me and my company will only reimburse me if I get a good grade, I wish the final project was a bit less involved. However, I understand that I will gain a deeper understanding of the material by doing it.

  • Homework - I would like to see a few problems assigned to work out each week, relating to the material covered each class. This was done in week one and week two, but not since then, although we did have to work on a final project.

  • The project requirements could have been a little more well defined.

  • Definitely need more time for completing the mid-term (and/or) final.

Additional Comments

  • May the wind fill your sails.

  • Overall this was a good course.

  • The course was very challenging to me, maybe cover one less topic.

  • A great course run by an instructor who actually enjoys teaching!! For someone new to JS, this course helped me learn the foundation of JS programing - the notes and demos alone would have made it worthwhile.

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Summer 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.77.0
The course was appropriately challenging.76.7
The course met my learning expectations.76.7
The course was relevant to my program.76.8
The instructor was well prepared.77.0
The instructor communicated well.76.9
The instructor motivated me to learn.76.7
Overall Evaluation of the course...76.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...76.9

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Very well organized; detailed and well-thought out notes. We almost didn't need the textbook

  • The professor's choice of words to communicate java concepts.

  • It was very ORGANIZED from the beginning each chapter was developed step by step, and the chronological order encourage me to strengthen the learning from previous chapters in the new ones.

  • I thought the class notes were extremely effective & helpful, especially when referencing for homework help.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I think it would have been helpful to do some coding in class, but I understand this may not be possible because of the time restraint to get through all of the material.

  • Meet twice a week, shorter classes.

  • Nothing, I think it is a good course.

  • Definitely need more time for completing the mid-term (and/or) final.

Additional Comments

  • I want to say thank you Sam Sultan for your tutorial, I think you are so smart and inspired me to continue with my learning of Java!

  • Professor Sultan is very passionate and energetic during his lectures. It keeps me awake during class.

  • I would like to see my grades when I login in my Albert account, that I can see how good how I am doing. Everything is good.

  • The professor was extremely engaging which made the students more attentive & motivated in learning the materials.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Summer 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.67.0
The course was appropriately challenging.66.7
The course met my learning expectations.66.7
The course was relevant to my program.66.8
The instructor was well prepared.67.0
The instructor communicated well.66.8
The instructor motivated me to learn.66.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...66.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...67.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Homework was very informative and great practice. I think more emphasis on this would improve the class.

  • Very organized class. The website made it easy to reference for examples, find notes and syllabus. The SQL Tester was a great tool to practice what we were learning.

  • The notes were very well-written and organized and the homework assignments were useful for learning the language.

  • The SQL*Tester

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • A different time slot. Saturday morning was a little rough.

  • More homework examples

  • More information about Microsoft SQL Server statements

Additional Comments

  • The class was extremely informative. I recommend it to all interested in learning SQL Programming.

  • Professor Sultan was great. Bravo for getting everyone interested in SQL at 9AM on Saturday.

  • Sam Sultan is an outstanding educator. His animated personality motivates you to learn.

Object Oriented System Analysis & Design - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3530) - Summer 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.27.0
The course was appropriately challenging.27.0
The course met my learning expectations.27.0
The course was relevant to my program.27.0
The instructor was well prepared.27.0
The instructor communicated well.27.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.27.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...27.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...27.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • - The very practical and easy-to-read course notes with highlights of key points
    - The professor's academic professionalism and his enthusiasm for teaching as well as his thoughtful attending to each of student's needs
    - Homework assignment and exam covered the key knowledge and area which really helped students to master what they learned.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Professor Sultan has been excellent. I am very impressed by his enthusiasm for teaching us not only focusing on the skills and knowledge in the text book, but more importantly sharing his professional experiences and expertise and his insight of trends in technology. I specifically benefited a lot from his very practical course notes with highlights of the key points which has made the thick textbook thinner and highly condensed. I would also very appreciate his careful attending to each student in the class and address our needs as well as his effort in enhancing our learning and research methods and expertise.

Additional Comments


Java 2 Week Intensive (INFO1-CE9226) - Summer 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.67.0
The course was appropriately challenging.66.7
The course met my learning expectations.66.7
The course was relevant to my program.66.8
The instructor was well prepared.67.0
The instructor communicated well.66.8
The instructor motivated me to learn.66.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...67.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...66.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Prof. Sultan had amazing notes/handouts that were very descriptive and helpful

  • The quick learning structure of the 2 weeks allows for an immense amount of information to be taken in quickly, which matches my style of learning.

  • - Explanation of concepts through sample code

  • 1. notes provided, 2. java demo, 3. lecture

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • It was a 2 week intensive course wish we had additonal 1 or 2 more weeks, to make the course a 3 week intensive

  • I would say nothing, but if you wanted to fit more OO and Java in to the short two weeks, perhaps say that some basic programming knowledge is required so that the stuff on loops, if/else, etc can just be review.

  • 1. make the total class duration longer but the class time shorter. i.e. instead of 9-5pm, go for 1-5pm for 4 weeks, which i guess would be the evening

Additional Comments

  • I had a great learning experience I found the course very helpful, which helped me get familiar with Java Programming. Great Professor/Instructor and I would highly recommend.

  • Excellent course. I was excited about it since I signed up for it over a month before it started, and it definitely lived up to and exceeded my expectations.

  • Prof.Sultan is the best instructor I met during the certificate program. He prepared very well for each section, and motivated the students to follow up. I will strongly recommend his course if somebody ask for my suggestion.

  • Great teacher and very helpful course. Only suggestion may be make it a 3 week Intensive instead of just week.

  • Professor Sultan was incredible. He was lively, interactive, and really made sure you not only understood the concepts but how they fit together as a whole. He was challenging and moved at the appropriate fast speed for an intensive course, yet he made sure to cover everything and did linger if there was any doubt about the students not understanding a certain part of the material. Definitely keep going the same way, I can't think of a single thing I would suggest that could improve.

  • --very good in answering questions --enthusiastic about teaching --great literature provided --needs to tone down on the decibel level...

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Spring 2013 Session 2

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.57.0
The course was appropriately challenging.57.0
The course met my learning expectations.56.8
The course was relevant to my program.57.0
The instructor was well prepared.57.0
The instructor communicated well.57.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.57.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...57.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...57.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The demos and homework problems given by Professor Sultan.

  • Sam's notes were excellent. Easy to learn and comprehend. I also thought the homework and project was effective.

  • The demo's were excellent, really great to work from. The lectures were great, he is an excellent teacher.

  • The instructor is great. The class materials (demos & examples, notes) were also extremely effective

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • More personal time to practice on the coding.

  • More hands on. I wish we could fool around a bit more during class, or if I had more time on my own to do that. Then come back with specific questions to be answered.

  • Nothing at all :)

Additional Comments

  • The instructor is extremely knowledgable and the course was well organized. A tough subject, but a great job done.

  • It was really a good class for me

  • Professor Sultan is very passionate with his art of sharing his knowledge to the class. I just wished I had more time on my side to absorb all of his teachings. Nevertheless I will definitely look forward to taking another course with Professor Sultan. He is quite the enthusiast professor which makes the learning experience more enjoyable.

  • Sam was great. He was very engaging, passionate about teaching the students and made sure everyone understood the materials that we were covering. I would def. take another course with him.

  • Just more ability to have hands on practice and be more geared towards that. But otherwise, a great course.

  • Sam Sultan is one of the best instructors I have ever encountered. He makes the content easy to understand and is very talented at bringing it to life. He demonstrates a genuine appreciation for and interest in the content and teaching. His course notes and class materials are well organized, comprehensive and a great complement to the lecture. They really helped me understand the concepts better. I would definitely take another course with him and would recommend him without reservation whatsoever.

MySQL with PHP (INFO1-CE9367) - Spring 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.46.5
The course was appropriately challenging.46.0
The course met my learning expectations.46.2
The course was relevant to my program.46.2
The instructor was well prepared.46.8
The instructor communicated well.46.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.5
Overall Evaluation of the course...46.2
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...46.2

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The course notes were very organized and very comprehensive!

  • Being able to work hands on with the material during class, and outside the classroom. Sam's custom SQL tester really makes it easy for the entire class to participate in the lecture and is a perfect tool for practicing MySql on your own.

  • Notes for the course are very good but always perfectly connected clearly.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • This course covers a lot of material in a very short period of time. I think it benefits the student to have more classes over the course of the semester, even if each class is shorter. It gives more time to learn the material well, have more projects/homework assigned, and be able to review things in class without rushing.

  • I would have moved through the material much faster and allowed more time to discuss and reference real world examples.

Additional Comments

  • Sam is a fabulous teacher! He is entertaining, but at the same time conveys important concepts in a very understandable way. This is second class taken with Sam. It is the last course for my certificate and possibly the last class I will take at NYU and I wanted it to be with Sam because I knew it would be a positive experience.

  • Sam Sultan has been the most prepared instructed I've ever had. The amount of resources and material he provides is phenomenal, and his ability to put things into perspective is outstanding. I've taken many classes at NYU and other schools, and Sam by far has surpassed the quality of any learning experience I've had yet. I think Sam should teach more classes and that the courses should be spread out over the semester, and not truncated into 5-6 sessions.

  • He is very passionate about the material and that was very evident. His style called for, in my opinion, too many rhetorical questions which slowed down the pace of learning. I think we should have moved through a lot more material a lot faster. Despite this criticism I did enjoy the class and Sam is very personable and caring teacher.

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Spring 2013 Session 1

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.77.0
The course was appropriately challenging.76.7
The course met my learning expectations.76.6
The course was relevant to my program.77.0
The instructor was well prepared.77.0
The instructor communicated well.77.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.77.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...76.9
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...77.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Sample and demo files are well prepared for students

  • The instructor is the key to a great course and I have never had anything but great courses from Professor Sam Sultan. He is the finest instructor at SCPS and I only wish he taught more courses.

  • The resources made available to learn from were phenomenal.

  • Having the professor's website with demos and examples was especially effective, because it allowed us to see working javascript code and construct our own based on that.

  • Organization

  • Very comprehensive overview of JS. Very well organized to explain from the beginning the objective nature of JS -- starting with Objects was a very helpful way to understand the language.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • download file or made view code easier. Let us know if the instructor will be absent for the class.

  • I would not change anything.

  • I would add an optional lab component one day a week for students to be able to practice coding and have a professor in the room for help.

  • I would not change anything.

Additional Comments

  • Class lecture were simple and clear, which made it easy to understand. If the instructor can take HW by email will be great. I=

  • Professor Sultan is the best instructor at SCPS. My only suggestion would be for him to teach more courses.

  • I believe allowing more time for the mid-term exam or offering it as a take-home test would be beneficial to students. Putting a time limit/pressure on a developer learning a new language, in my opinion is not an ideal atmosphere for proper coding. The main goal is to learn JavaScript, as long as they reach that goal, it doesn't matter how long it takes them to answer a question. Professor Sultan is a very engaging and passionate professor and has a wealth of knowledge under his belt. I believe that's what makes him an effective professor. He always encourages questions and makes himself available to students. His notes on each area of JavaScript are also very helpful and highlight the important concepts.

  • A very passionate teacher, much better than I expected.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Spring 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.76.9
The course was appropriately challenging.75.9
The course met my learning expectations.76.6
The course was relevant to my program.76.6
The instructor was well prepared.76.9
The instructor communicated well.76.7
The instructor motivated me to learn.76.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...76.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...76.7

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • His enthusiasm for teaching and of the subject

  • Very good instructor provided class notes

  • Demos and exercises

  • The teacher's explanation, the notes, and information given.

  • Using the SQL*Tester that he developed in class and having the resource for hw problems

  • The sample MySQL/Oracle database he created for teaching the course. For those that don't have a real database to practice on in real life, it would be effective if we could continue to log in and practice with the created database.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Nothing at all

  • More advanced topics

  • Creation of databases would have been a great asset. And learning SQL with integration to other programming languages.

Additional Comments

  • Really liked the course and the topics covered. Teacher was able to give real life explanations to why we were doing things. Kept my attention and made sure we moved at learn-able pace.

  • Sam is an amazing professor and came highly recommended from other students. It was a highly enjoyable learning experience, and has convinced me to transfer schools to NYU for my Master's program.

Systems Development & Analysis - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3210) - Spring 2013

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.45.2
The course met my learning expectations.46.2
The course was relevant to my program.47.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.47.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.47.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...47.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...47.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Professor Sultan by far is the best lecturer I have encounter. He embodied in me the desire to learn and gave lots of analogies to make learning examples clear and easy to remember. I was always excited to go to class and even when I didn't read prior to class, he made it easier to comprehend learning materials.

  • The combination of textbook knowledge and the practical cases presented by the Professor

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I will change nothing in this course. I enjoyed every bit.

Additional Comments

  • Keep up the good work Professor.

  • The professor usually presents perfect examples from real life to make it easier for us to understand the new concepts of the course. I like his bringing many relevant cases to the class from his professional experiences. I really appreciate the teaching notes he prepared for us which are not only very valuable but also easy to read and easy to understand than the textbook. I truly thank Professor Sultan and have enjoyed my learning experience.

MySQL with PHP (INFO1-CE9367) - Fall 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.76.8
The course was appropriately challenging.76.4
The course met my learning expectations.76.2
The course was relevant to my program.76.3
The instructor was well prepared.77.0
The instructor communicated well.76.8
The instructor motivated me to learn.77.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...76.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...77.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Fundamentals were stressed. You can go very far on your own if you have the fundamentals in your repertoire. Sam is particularly generous with his code. This is a very rare trait.

  • Sam knows his stuff and does his research prior to standing in front of the class

  • Mr. Sultan was very well prepared and organized. Study / class material all setup in advance on his website shows that he cares about the course and teaching!

  • Excellent notes and lectures.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Perhaps add a couple of weeks to the course length.

  • A great need for some students, and I am one of them, is in class interactive exercises to practice what is being taught. If I were to suggest any change it would be to have a half hour of each four hour session used for exercise practices and then follow up with questions after the session.

Additional Comments

  • Sam has high expectations and high standards. I know that I am receiving true knowledge, not junk. I'd rather fail and struggle with the work than get an empty certificate.

  • homeworks should be at least checked for completion, quizes/exams should have more rigor, this goes for all SCPS courses

  • great class.. c ya next time, you should be really proud that you care so much about the subject matter and teaching it to newbies.. other faculty should learn from your passion and commitment.

  • I could ask for him to stop screaming but you can't teach an old dog a new trick

  • I really appreciated Professor Sultan's teaching style. I find him very funny -- goofy at times -- but he's also very serious about what he does and serious about his expectations from students. You can tell he takes a lot of pride in what he does, and has worked very hard to perfect his craft over the years. Great professor.

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Fall 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.107.0
The course was appropriately challenging.106.5
The course met my learning expectations.106.6
The course was relevant to my program.106.4
The instructor was well prepared.106.9
The instructor communicated well.106.6
The instructor motivated me to learn.106.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...106.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...106.7

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The notes are very good and it is clear the instructor works on continually refining them to distill the information into its core in an accessible way. Also Mr. Sultan's animated teaching style helps keep everyone engaged in the material.

  • Clear and detailed lesson notes, available in advance. Example code for exercises.

  • have taken other object oriented programming languages before and no one teaches it better than Sam Sultan for now. Kudos for this one! Well worth it, if computer programming is your forte.

  • Practical Examples.

  • To follow unit per unit the book. The professor explained pretty well every unit. so, I could understand pretty well every part of the course. In general, the biography and homeworks, plus the professor's explanation, helped me a lot.

  • Great professor who works hard to ensure that the students get the most out of his class. He really cares that the students should do well. He's also enjoyable to listen to.

  • The course offered extremely challenging reading assignments based on a very difficult topic, yet the materials and lectures made the material much more understandable. The homework assignments were extremely helpful and the online materials were extensive.

  • It provided an excellent introduction to Java. Professor Sultan was very clear, concise and articulate. He was able to explain concepts and help you understand course material.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would make some of the later homework assignment instructions a little clearer - some of them have implicit assumptions and leave out details that would be helpful to the student. Perhaps this was intentional, that would be my preference though. Also I think if there was a final project for the course that might also be helpful. This type of material is all about practice and application. If each of us had such a project, as well as a private session with the teacher to discuss issues that would be amazingly helpful. Understood though this is an intro continuing ed class.

  • None.

  • More sessions of shorter duration rather than fewer, longer classes.

  • I would like more in class exercises, We only used Java at home, on our own computers.

  • Nothing, this was an amazing class

Additional Comments

  • Sam Sultan is one of the best teachers I have have had through NYU SCPS. His method of teaching programming is very effective and he clearly is passionate about the classroom setting and making sure students are learning the material. I would highly recommend this class to anyone interesting in Java or programming. Or really any of his classes - I have learned a lot from the class and am grateful to have had him as an instructor.

  • Excellent presentation of material for the beginning programmer

  • The professor is very friendly, so, that works to make learning easier.

  • I doubt that I would have learned as much as I did with another instructor.

  • Great professor! Excellent coverage of the Java programming language! I enjoyed it.

  • -- Love the notes - they were a great contrast to the required reading, which was very dense. -- The classes were fun and informative and the teacher very receptive to answering questions Main change for me would be to: -- have a final project where we had to incorporate at least 10 core concepts (or whatever) which would be reviewed by the teacher with notes given on what we could improve etc... (understood there may not be time for individual meetings)

  • Instructor has a strong understanding of how to communicate basic concepts to novices.

  • Nothing, it was fantastic.

  • He did a great job. He was engaging and yet demanded much, which was important considering the difficult nature of the material.

  • Buildings are good, the professors as well. I think that it's very important that every student take every course seriously. I mean, if I don't understand something, I have to ask, if I like something, I have to tell it and if I don't like something, I have to say it too. In general, I'm pretty happy with SCPS so far.

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Summer 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.86.8
The course was appropriately challenging.86.5
The course met my learning expectations.86.5
The course was relevant to my program.86.7
The instructor was well prepared.86.8
The instructor communicated well.86.2
The instructor motivated me to learn.86.4
Overall Evaluation of the course...86.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...86.4

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The samples and demos are extremely helpful. Notes are clear and easy to understand.

  • Professor Sultan is remarkably gifted at communicating complex information regarding complex systems in a systematic and understandable method. This is invaluable for teaching programming in any language. The instructor must be able to sequentially and clearly step through the process of programming. Professor Sultan is unusually gifted in this area, which is a massive boon to his students.

  • Loops, decisions making, core concepts

  • The example files provided for each class period were very helpful. I also found the notes provided to be very helpful.

  • Professor Sultan's thoroughly typed notes and lesson plans were extremely helpful. The class website and javascript demo directory were especially effective in providing examples of how to use javascript.

  • the provided class notes for each lecture

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • The three and a half hour class sessions were a a little exhausting.

  • I know this might be piling on too much for the students, but a few more homework assignments. Making sure that for each of the skills and information presented to the students, that the information is immediately put to use in a practical setting.

  • More question and answer time. More hands on real world examples

  • More homework

  • Nothing. I think it was scheduled conveniently and Sam Sultan is an excellent professor.

  • nothing

Additional Comments

  • It might be useful to review a large website (ex: the NYT) and discuss how it uses JavaScript.

  • Sam Sultan is a rare teacher - Sam is so good I decided to take another class from him.

  • Professor Sultan is great! He really knows his stuff. He enjoys the topics he teaches and transmits that excitement to his students.

  • Great teacher!

  • Professor Sultan is remarkable at what he does. His knowledge of the subject matter is finely detailed and boggling in scope. He's something of a walking encyclopedia of programming languages. Again, this is a massive plus to his students. Not only does Professor Sultan have a fine grain understanding and mastery of his subject material, he is capable of presenting that depth of knowledge to non-technical students in a way which is easily comprehensible. Couldn't ask for better. =)

  • I would have liked to see more examples of javascript within fully functional websites for a better big picture perspective. I really liked learning the fundamentals (functions, loops, decision making) because it applies to a wide variety of languages and core skills for development.

  • I could use less screaming. We HEAR you.

  • There was only homework assigned for the first three weeks. Of course there is a project due at the end. I enjoyed the homework because it forced me to engage with the material taught the previous week. I think that if there is no homework, there should at least be a list of suggested activities (perhaps taking one of the demo files, and expanding upon it?). For each week there wasn't always a tangible goal for me in learning. I was learning the concepts, but was looking for guidance in how to use the concepts. So homework, or suggested activities would have helped to provide structure to the class. Looking at the website, I now see that there actually were lab activities provided for many weeks, but not much emphasis was put on them in class.

  • The instructor did an excellent job of teaching javascript (which can be tedious at times) in a very exciting and interesting manner. His teaching style kept me motivated and focused during the 3.5 hour classes, and he spent the appropriate amount of time on each subject. I particular found the class website (especially the notes and demo directory) very helpful in effectively complimenting the lessons. The detailed analysis of specific scripts (what each line accomplished) was one of my favorite parts of the class because it helped me visual how I can incorporate this in my daily programming tasks at work.

  • Sam is awesome. By breaking down everything to its simplest level it made JavaScript completely understandable.

Java 2 Week Intensive (INFO1-CE9226) - Summer 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.56.8
The course was appropriately challenging.57.0
The course met my learning expectations.56.8
The course was relevant to my program.56.8
The instructor was well prepared.57.0
The instructor communicated well.56.2
The instructor motivated me to learn.56.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...56.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...56.6

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The instructor matched the assignments in a cohesive manner

  • That was so much help for me. It's really taking time but I'm enjoy it! And the professor gave us the stuff not just the class that included a lot of precious concepts that I am pretty sure will help me work with Java!

  • Professor's notes and his style of teaching.

  • Professor Sultan developed an online tool that allows the students to write, edit, and RUN Java code. There's a wealth of code already written in this tool. And all of the programs go hand-in-hand with the Class notes. It's brilliant!

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would have it run across two more days

  • have more practice, learning time gone too soon!

  • Weekend classes

  • Nothing. This course is exemplary.

Additional Comments

  • Professor Sam Sultan is a crazy programming expert who I admire; passion and energize!

  • Professor Sultan is the best professor your school has.

  • I never thought that I could really learn Java - an intricate high level object oriented language - in just two weeks. But this course proved me wrong...

  • He needs to stop shouting

  • Professor Sultan is extremely well prepared. He remembers EVERYTHING! I especially like how he builds the "scaffold" of information to add upon it later. He's energetic, optimistic, funny, systematic, consistent, and extremely knowledgeable. Truly an outstanding teacher.

Object Oriented System Analysis & Design - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3530) - Summer 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.47.0
The course met my learning expectations.47.0
The course was relevant to my program.47.0
How well online course materials prepared.47.0
Clarity of course assignment instructions.47.0
Frequency of instructor feedback44.4
Timeliness of feedback on assignments46.5
Frequency of instructor interaction46.5
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.47.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.47.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...47.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...67.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The online facilities, provided proved to be an exciting new platform for learning.

  • Prof. Sultan is a subject matter expert who is very interested in engaging the class.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Course adequately met my requirements and objectives

  • If the final project were more integrated into weekly assignments.

Additional Comments

  • Professor Sam more than encouraged the use of forums, online group/teams, drop boxes for document exchanges etc. The experience online was almost same as onsite facilitation and I almost felt I was in one-on-one sessions more than online session. He therefore has changed my perceptions of online learning and I am more than happy to take more online studies now if the situation presents itself.

Advanced SQL Programming - Undergraduate Course (ISMM1-DC0744) - Spring 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.57.0
The course was appropriately challenging.56.8
The course met my learning expectations.57.0
The course was relevant to my program.56.8
The instructor was well prepared.56.8
The instructor communicated well.56.8
The instructor motivated me to learn.56.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...56.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...57.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The notes were great. It was good not having to worry about taking your own notes in class because you can always miss something.

  • Professor's notes were very effective and his lectures were expertly planned. The SQL tester he created was also a very useful tool.

  • Professor Sultan's class notes are excellent.

  • The way the instructor interacted with the class. The in class lab time.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would improve the quality of the prerequisites of this class. The SQL I learned in my previous classes did not really prepare me for Advanced SQL so catching up to the level of this class was a little challenging.

  • So far I am very satisfied with the course.

  • Nothing. I liked the course and wouldn't change anything about it.

  • The location. The room did not have a printer. Also, have students take this course before web database design.

Additional Comments

  • Professor Sultan has a great sense of humor!

  • Great course.

  • Great teacher. Explains things extremely well. He can be a little intense at times but motivates you to learn.

  • Sam Sultan was very professional and very entertaining. The class lasted two and a half hours so Sam's ability to hold our attention as long as he did is commendable. He is possibly the best professor I have ever had. I feel like he prepared me well for my career.

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Spring 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.86.6
The course was appropriately challenging.86.5
The course met my learning expectations.86.1
The course was relevant to my program.86.9
The instructor was well prepared.86.5
The instructor communicated well.86.2
The instructor motivated me to learn.86.4
Overall Evaluation of the course...86.4
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...86.4

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The demos and examples as well as the very detailed notes.

  • The companion website is a fantastic resource and really helps to drill home the concepts learned in the classes. Sam's teaching style is very effective and he is able to make the subject matter interesting, relevant and presents it in a style that you can digest.

  • The teacher

  • Teacher's lecture style is invigorating. Course well organized and build from simple to complex through lecture and examples. Concepts well explained. What is expected from students clear.

  • The homework assignments.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Perhaps some more time spent coding. The lectures are effective but as the class is so long it would be good to break it up with a couple of activities so that your brain can refocus and not switch off.

  • 5 more class. I think things go a little slow at first and take longer to understand what is going on but once you start to understand the course is half way over. The thing that could be covered in 5 more class's would be amazing.

  • A little more about object oriented programming.

  • Give the students more programming tasks.

Additional Comments

  • Mr Sultan has an excellent strategy for this course so I think he should just keep doing what he does! Personally, I could do without the yelling, but I suppose that is effective with some students.

  • Exceptionally motivating instructor. I have learned about Javascript, teaching and learning.

  • - Keep the style of teaching, it is a great way to learn. - Perhaps more excerises to be set as homework each week so that the concepts learned can really be practiced. I found myself doing the exercises in the reading material but wanted to do more.

  • I don't think much should change—the instructor is motivating and extremely knowledgeable. He lays out a path to understanding and leads you there. I wish there was a way to send homework for advice on coding practices.

  • There should be a few inclass activities were we code in class to follow along and have the professor trouble shoot. Also would have liked a bit more instruction and activities around how all the pieces fit together before the final project. Office hours to discuss the final project for 10 minutes 1:1 would have been helpful.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9272) - Spring 2012

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.46.2
The course met my learning expectations.46.2
The course was relevant to my program.46.5
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.46.5
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...46.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...46.5

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The class notes were terrific and the online tool that allowed us to query the same database using both Oracle and MySQL was truly awesome.

  • The syllabus was well structured and supplemented with a lot of hands on examples. My programming skills in SQL improved by the end of the course.

  • Having the computers in the class and be able to practice.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Drop the text. The class notes cover everything perfectly. The text turned out to be a waste of money.

  • Increase the length of the course & number of sessions to include intermediate SQL.

  • The duration. 5 Saturdays is too short for people that work full time, I wish it was 10 Saturdays, less hours each time so that I could study and practice more before the next chapter.

Additional Comments

  • The instructor's expertise is unmatched. He motivated us to study, work on the assignments and put in a considerable effort for the final exam. His teaching skills are very good. I wish he had included more of intermediate SQL and offered a longer course.

  • It seems odd that the only certificate you can apply this class towards is one related to website development. NYU should develop an Analytics or Data Science certificate and this should at least be an elective course for that.

MySQL with PHP (INFO1-CE9367) - Fall 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.96.6
The course was appropriately challenging.96.8
The course met my learning expectations.96.7
The course was relevant to my program.96.6
The instructor was well prepared.96.9
The instructor communicated well.96.4
The instructor motivated me to learn.96.9
Overall Evaluation of the course...96.4
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...96.7

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Course was aligned well to promote learning by step by step problem solving.

  • Professor Sultan's notes always help to distill complex topics down into easier to understand chunks and examples, they work to make the required reading easier to understand and internalized.

  • The presentation of the material in a logical order helped speed up the learning curve.

  • Sam Sultan's teaching style!

  • Teacher and his material was very effective

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would have liked a longer course that was able to cover more of both SQL and PHP a bit more in depth.

  • I wish the course was longer than 6 sessions. I expected to get more detailed information on databases and php but I suppose this out the instructor's control.

  • Sam has this class down. Don't change a thing

Additional Comments

  • Please restrain constructions and fire drills in the building when there's a class. half of the classes were conducted while construction was happening. It was very intrusive.

  • Sam Sultan is a great teacher. I had previously registered for PHP with Ken Davis and didn't learn a thing. I specifically took Prof.Sultan's class b/c Ken Davis's class resulted in nothing being taught/learned. The classroom consitions in Mr.Davis's class were not condusive to learning anything digital and people dropped out of Davis's class like flies. Sam Sultan prepares his classes in advance in a well organized manner and is a born teacher - others at NYU are not born teachers. Furthermore, NYU places their teaching facilities in off-campus Primary Schools without access to computers and no means to see the examples of PHP in a digital setting. PHP with Ken Davis was a sad use of my personal $1,100. I took PHP with Sam Sultan to correct that experience.

  • The focus on the SQL language was of great importance in today's working world and the fact that the class taught this was greatly appreciated.

  • The way the faculty structured the course clarified many fundamental concepts that other instructors failed to do so. The instructor clearly knew and anticipated the slips and falls of the students and made sure they were corrected before moving onto the next step.

  • add more sessions to PHP MySQL

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Fall 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.146.6
The course was appropriately challenging.146.3
The course met my learning expectations.146.2
The course was relevant to my program.146.5
The instructor was well prepared.146.9
The instructor communicated well.146.5
The instructor motivated me to learn.146.2
Overall Evaluation of the course...146.3
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...146.4

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The course was a very well planned introduction to Javascript. The examples and demos are excellent and the interfaces Mr. Sultan built in order for the students to practice implementation of code are fantastic, and very much appreciated.

  • Professor Sultan does a very good job of explaining difficult concepts.

  • Prof Sultan has a lot of energy which helps the student pay attention. He genuinely cares about people people learning the material. I respect that.

  • * Very well structured lectures * Useful real time material * Easy access to the website with demonstrations and examples

  • The course was very well organized and there was a lot of examples and relevant notes. Prof. Sultan is very good! Especially in simplifying and explaining the material.

  • teacher was very well-organized and did a very good job presenting the material in an easy to understand material. his lecture style made it easy to stay focused on the lectures (which is important since it can be difficult to concentrate during a 3.5 hour lecture after a full workday).

  • In depth teachings of the fundamentals

  • Mr. Sultan's website was great, the demo directory was extremely helpful.

  • Sam is extremely knowledgeable about the subject he is teaching. He provides ample notes and examples of the topics covered in class, backed up by required reading from the text book.

  • His teaching. He made sure everyone was on board.

  • The teacher and his notes. Professor Sultan is an excellent teacher. His notes are very helpful and I'm sure I'll be referring to them in the future.

  • Explanations of concepts and appropriate demos - superb.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would not change it.

  • only one small addition - JavaScript course really requires more practice and exercises whether it is homework or class work.

  • Probably the textbook. It's definitely one of the drier tech books I've read. Also, the content could be updated a bit to follow modern best practices. There were a few things we learned that are now considered deprecated.

  • Nothing

  • He needs to be more specific about which demos he is showing us. What is the name of the demo.

Additional Comments

  • I will definitely look to take another class with Sam Sultan again.

  • Best teacher I think I have ever had. Wish all teachers were like him.

  • The course is excellent as is, but if there was a way for the students to interact/implement/demonstrate more code that would be great. However, the material covered in the time available in one semester might not allow for this.

  • Professor Sultan explains concepts very well.

  • Prof Sultan has a lot of energy which helps the student pay attention. He genuinely cares about people people learning the material. I respect that. The 7 Est 12th street classrooms are great too. Course website should be better.

  • Maybe adding some hands on exercises during class.

  • Great course! Assign more homework :-)

  • The textbook is a bit dry and I think it contains some things that have since become deprecated, but I'm not sure if there are any better beginner level JavaScript books out there. The notes and class lectures were great. Overall the class definitely helped me have a better grasp of JavaScript's core concepts.

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Fall 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.106.2
The course was appropriately challenging.106.2
The course met my learning expectations.106.3
The course was relevant to my program.106.3
The instructor was well prepared.106.8
The instructor communicated well.106.7
The instructor motivated me to learn.106.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...106.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...106.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The homeworks were very well designed to enforce what was taught in the lectures.

  • Sam had very well organized notes that explained things clearly and highlighted important points. He drilled points home to make sure everyone understood them.

  • The provided notes

  • the professor is knowledgeable about the subject and is excellent at speaking for 3 hours at a time! i'd probably be falling asleep if the teacher was anyone else.

  • The way how Sam taught.

  • Board examples and walking through each step of lessons. Homeworks.

  • When beginning a new subject matter, such as computer programming, I think it is important to approach the topic in a structured manner. The notes, online resources, and general organization of the course made it much easier to approach such a difficult topic. Also, his experience with and general knowledge of the subject matter was very helpful.

  • The notes were very well organized and specific. They went with the lectures very well. It was a great format.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Give the students two 10 minute breaks. One break is not enough in 3.5 hours. Alternatively make it a 3 hour class with more sessions. Spend more time on DOS commands. Show more examples of errors-it would be easier to correct them when doing the homework. Explain why the answers are wrong when grading the hw/exams.

  • Nothing

  • More practice in class. There wasn't too much use of having the classes in the computers lab... would be helpful to do mini-homeworks/quizzes/coding in class. This would be especially helpful as the professor is present for questions.

Additional Comments

  • Please download Eclipse on computers.

  • It didn't bother me, but I think some students were a bit intimidated. Sam Sultan has a strong, somewhat loud, and humorous personality :). I think a quick pre-class quiz to go over high level of notes that will be lectured on would increase student participation in class.

  • dont change. it was perfect!!

  • His general enthusiasm and thorough understanding of the needs of a student in an introductory course to computer programming made it a pleasure to learn in his class.

  • This instructor is challenging and informative. I have really enjoyed being in this class with him. My only suggestion is to be a bit more open to people's questions.

Object Oriented System Analysis & Design - Graduate Course (MASY1-GC3530) - Fall 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.26.5
The course was appropriately challenging.26.5
The course met my learning expectations.26.5
The course was relevant to my program.26.0
The instructor was well prepared.27.0
The instructor communicated well.27.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.27.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...27.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...67.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Very well-constructed notes as a summary

  • The Use Cases

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I would recommend a Intro to Java as a pre-requisite - or taken in conjunction with this class

Additional Comments

  • Although the notes are great, it would be nice to have power point slides during lectures. Just a few key words on each slide would do nicely.

MySQL with PHP (INFO1-CE9367) - Summer 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.47.0
The course met my learning expectations.47.0
The course was relevant to my program.47.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.47.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.47.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...47.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...47.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The notes and the demos.

  • The excellent, well-organized website, detailed notes, and well-chosen textbooks.

  • The notes are extremely well developed. They follow the lecture perfectly. However, nothing is a substitute for the enthusiastic lecture, which is extremely effective.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Make the course longer than 6 weeks. It needs to be at least 10 if not 12 weeks, it is alot of information to absorb in such a short amount of time!

  • Nothing!!!

  • I would make it longer.

Additional Comments

  • The teacher is the best continuing education teacher I've ever had.

  • There isn't anything that needs to change. The teacher is extremely well-prepared and very good at explaining and keeping students involved.

  • The only improvement I could ask for is a longer course, but I imagine that's out of the instructor's control. Six four-hour sessions is not enough!

Introduction to Java (INFO1-CE9238) - Summer 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.56.6
The course was appropriately challenging.56.4
The course met my learning expectations.56.6
The course was relevant to my program.56.4
The instructor was well prepared.57.0
The instructor communicated well.56.6
The instructor motivated me to learn.56.2
Overall Evaluation of the course...56.6
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...56.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Informative notes put together by the professor, interactive demo directory to test coding.

  • The instructor's notes were excellent and thoroughly readable and understandable. His teaching style was also friendly, entertaining, and effective. He is an excellent instructor.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Nothing. It was absolutely great.

  • None

Additional Comments

  • Professor Sultan continuously engages students to learn by switching speeds, re-phrasing lost information, and challenging them with questions to increase overall understanding. He really doesn't need to change anything. The information deliverred will stick, and he'll make sure of it.

JavaScript (INFO1-CE9755) - Summer 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.66.5
The course was appropriately challenging.66.7
The course met my learning expectations.66.8
The course was relevant to my program.66.7
The instructor was well prepared.67.0
The instructor communicated well.66.8
The instructor motivated me to learn.67.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...66.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...66.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The right amount of information to get a good handle on the subject - able to build on what was learned in class to pursue further on my own.

  • Without question, the notes that the teacher has prepared for each session are thorough and helpful, and the website he has created for the class with the in-depth tutorials and demos are a wonderful resource.

  • Explanations thru relating day to day lives and examples and demos.

  • The notes the professor provided distilled the core of the reading down to its essential and really got us to focus on the key concepts behind JavaScipt. Also the professor has a ton of energy which helps when it comes to a somewhat "dry" topic like JavaScript. It definitely helped keep me engaged.

  • The lectures were clear, the professor was animated, and there were enough examples for me to know what I was doing.

  • The Instructor and his communication and delivery skills.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Provided course materials from the professor could be cleaned up a bit - some typos, misspellings, etc.

  • Maybe add newer examples to what is currently there.

Additional Comments

  • Very happy with what the class provided - matched well what I hoped to get from the class

  • cannot say enough good things about Sam. The class is brilliantly organized, he is extremely knowledgeable and he is an engaging, informative, and generally excellent teacher.

  • Make it longer?

  • The Instructor is the key component to this class well prepared and very instructive. He should be utilized as a model for all your programming classes as well as with the manner in which his material is devised. Truly understands that time is precious and since this is a group of full time employees that time is scarce. Strongly recommend faculty sits down with him to see why he gets it.

  • Very enthusiastic which really helps with this kind of schedule. He makes sure that we understand the subject by asking us questions. You can tell that he loves what teaching and his students definitely benefit on that.

  • I don't think there's anything that needs to be improved. I think that Sam does an excellent job of making a difficult, technical subject--which, taught the wrong way might have been both intimidating and/or boring--exciting, logical, and clear. I am, overall, thrilled with my experience in this class.

  • I want to note that this professor was very sick one day and still tried to administer a class session. This should be commended as his health was extremely in danger and he did an excellent job trying to educate his students without having to reschedule their valuable time

Java 2 Week Summer Intensive (INFO1-CE9226) - Summer 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.37.0
The course was appropriately challenging.37.0
The course met my learning expectations.37.0
The course was relevant to my program.37.0
The instructor was well prepared.37.0
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.37.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...37.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...37.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Sam Sultan has obviously put a TON of care and effort into prep and is great at explaining things. Also does a stand-out job of keeping things on track and moving through tons of curriculum fast.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • wish we had done a little more hands on coding in class, but that probs isnt possible given the time constrains and ammount of curriculum.

Additional Comments

  • it was great, the best technical class I've ever taken.

SQL Programming Language (INFO1-CE9226) - Summer 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.86.8
The course was appropriately challenging.86.1
The course met my learning expectations.86.1
The course was relevant to my program.86.2
Overall Evaluation of the course...86.3

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Sam (the teacher) creates a website that has all of the material, notes and examples. It is very helpful and makes learning the material very simple.

  • the online database was the perfect way to demonstrate the curriculum

  • Sam Sultan explained the concepts of SQL in terms of how you can apply it in your own workplace. He has so much knowledge and knows SQL like the back of his hand. He did a great job in organizing the subject areas within the SQL language and made it fun and energizing to be in class. There is a difference when you have someone like Sam that does not just teach the concepts but makes it motivating and enjoyable to learn.

  • Sam Sultan is a gifted lecturer, the first great instructor I have had in 6 courses at NYU SCPS.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • We had to change classes twice (in a 5-week class). This became a bit of a distraction.

  • nothing

  • There is a lot to pick up in 5 weekends so another couple of classes would be good to add to the session. Additional homework or sample questions to do on your own would also be good.

  • It should be held over 10 weeks in the winter instead of 5 weeks in the summer!!!

Additional Comments

  • Great class!

  • Sam Sultan and his way of teaching and energizing the class has made me want to take additional course work and I plan to do so. I hope to be able to take additional classes that Sam teaches and will look during the fall to find subjects that he teaches that are pertinent to my needs and requirements.

  • Excellent class!

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Spring 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.36.7
The course was appropriately challenging.36.7
The course met my learning expectations.36.3
The course was relevant to my program.37.0
The instructor was well prepared.37.0
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.37.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...36.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...37.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • There is a web site specifically built for the course. You can upload and test your files. It contains all the notes, the examples and the demos related to the course.

  • Very good materials and very clear explanations. The professor uses good concrete analogies.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • It will be a bit more effective to make it 10 sessions instead of six.

  • Introduce the PHP earlier in the course. Eg make lesson 5 be lesson 3 or 4. Do the elaboration of the SQL syntax later.

  • make it longer than 6 sessions.

Additional Comments

  • The professor is enthusiastic about the subject matter and explains things well.

  • NYU should be proud for having an instructor like Sam Sultan. He has the gift of teaching and he cares about his students learning and he makes sure that each one of them understands the material of the course.

  • Very Good materials on the website

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Spring 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.67.0
The course was appropriately challenging.66.8
The course met my learning expectations.67.0
The course was relevant to my program.66.8
The instructor was well prepared.67.0
The instructor communicated well.67.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.67.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...66.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...67.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Prof Sultan is very enthusiastic.

  • Lectures: organized, well-paced, and ran very smoothly. Sam is an incredibly engaging lecturer. He explains the material very well and makes sure that the students are all understanding the material.
    Notes: The notes for this class are outstanding - detailed and very thorough. I am certain I will reference these notes many times in the future.
    Online programming examples: Sam posted a handful of examples online for practically every concept that we covered. These examples are great resources and really helped me understand the concepts inside and out.
    Homework/Exams: very fair but also challenging enough to encourage us to really grasp the concepts taught in class.

  • Course handouts were excellent, and followed the lectures exactly. Class time was well spent. Homework assignments were good, and fairly graded.

  • The intructor, Sam Sultan, is extremely knowledgeable and entertaining to keep the subject interesting.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • More classes

  • Nothing. This was my first programming class and I am hooked. It was a perfect intro into the field. I am all around very satisfied with the course.

  • Standardize on a text book and try to have the course, the handouts, and the book follow one another. I would also have more homework graded and handed in.

  • would add two sessions for hands on with tutors since one instructor could not handle us all. The session would include debugging.

Additional Comments

  • Maybe a "dummy's guide for Eclipse"?

  • I think the course was very well presented, Professor has promoted excitement in the learning matter as well as higlighted all the difficult matterial by making it fun to understand. The energy in the class was incredible.

  • Please keep professor Sam Sultan for as long as he wants to teach. He is fantastic! He has a great sense of humor and provides emphases in the right place to ensure that we remember the more difficult, "under the hood", concepts. Gives me something to look forward to on Mondays. Thank you for adding him to NYU.

  • I really wouldn't change a thing. I was very happy with the pace and the content of this course. I enrolled with the expectation of picking up a few programming basics. I was pleasantly surprised that Sam brought so much more than that to the course. He's incredibly passionate about teaching and his excitement is contagious. Instead of framing the course as a bunch of rules and definitions to memeorize, he encouraged us to focus on the big picture concepts. He made the material fun and easy to absorb. I am leaving this course now wanting to learn more computer science as soon as possible!

Advanced PHP with MySQL (X52.9367) - Spring 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.36.7
The course was appropriately challenging.36.7
The course met my learning expectations.36.3
The course was relevant to my program.37.0
The instructor was well prepared.37.0
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.37.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...36.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...37.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • There is a web site specifically built for the course. You can upload and test your files. It contains all the notes, the examples and the demos related to the course.

  • Very good materials and very clear explanations. The professor uses good concrete analogies.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • It will be a bit more effective to make it 10 sessions instead of six.

  • Introduce the PHP earlier in the course. Eg make lesson 5 be lesson 3 or 4. Do the elaboration of the SQL syntax later.

Additional Comments

  • The professor is enthusiastic about the subject matter and explains things well.

  • NYU should be proud for having an instructor like Sam Sultan. He has the gift of teaching and he cares about his students learning and he makes sure that each one of them understands the material of the course.

  • Very Good materials on the website.

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Spring 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.86.8
The course was appropriately challenging.86.8
The course met my learning expectations.86.9
The course was relevant to my program.86.8
The instructor was well prepared.86.9
The instructor communicated well.86.9
The instructor motivated me to learn.86.6
Overall Evaluation of the course...86.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...86.9

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The Prof's notes and website were very helpful

  • The numerous demos and examples for us to work through were EXTREMELY helpful.

  • The library of Javascript examples and class notes is great. The explanations using simple examples was very helpful in creating a visualization of complex Javascript concepts.

  • The lecture and notes are excellent.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Nothing

  • More coding in class

  • More sessions

  • Overall I think that class was great but if I could change 1 thing I would maybe add some in class hands on exercises where we follow along with the instructor.

Additional Comments

  • I really enjoy Sam Sultan as a teacher.

  • This, by far, was a very well-thought out and prepared class. All classes should aspire to this level. Unlike another class that I took, this one I felt that I more than got my money's worth.

  • I'm very pleased that I decided to take this class.

  • Stellar. Extremely well prepared with loads of examples. It was obvious that he had put a lot of work in the class and that he was there to teach us and not just collect a check. I do wish, though, that he had been more strict on assigning homework. A little fire under the butt always helps otherwise it is too easy to let those things slide (at least for me). Regardless, all of NYU teachers should be this good.

  • This was a great course. The instructor is extremely well-prepared and motivating, two important characteristics for anyone teaching an evening class.

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Spring 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.67.0
The course was appropriately challenging.67.0
The course met my learning expectations.66.8
The course was relevant to my program.66.1
The instructor was well prepared.67.0
The instructor communicated well.67.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.67.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...66.8
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...66.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The explanation of the SQL syntax was terrific. The best part of the course is the online MySQL/Oracle web interface. It gave us a great opportunity to actually learn the commands instead of trying to troubleshoot installation issues.

  • Instructor's ability to condense complex information into a clear format students can digest. Can't say enough about what a difference a great teacher can make especially in technical courses. Hands down, one of the best technical trainers I have had.

  • The class notes were really helpful and highlights all the important things one needs to know about basic sql programming language

  • Lecture notes, online materials, instructor lectures

  • Excellent organization and materials. Professor Sultan is very knowledgeable on the subject matter and it shows in his enthusiasism during the class.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Add a quick 1/2 day demo of an actual installation of MySQL/Oracle, populate a couple of sample databases and then create access permissions for users.

  • Nothing -- it was great.

  • the meeting time Saturdays.

  • Perhaps make the course give a more comprehensive overview of database administration.

  • Maybe later start time?

Additional Comments

  • Nothing, instructor and course were great.

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent instructor. He takes a pretty dry subject and turns it into something relevant. He is very enthusiastic about the subject and motivates the class to learn. A great instructor!

  • Instructor was energetic and made interesting what could be a very dry subject

  • can't think of any

Advanced PHP with MySQL (X52.9367) - Spring 2011

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.47.0
The course met my learning expectations.47.0
The course was relevant to my program.44.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.47.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.47.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...47.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...47.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

Additional Comments

  • Course, and instructor was very well organized

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Fall 2010

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.96.2
The course was appropriately challenging.96.8
The course met my learning expectations.96.2
The course was relevant to my program.95.9
The instructor was well prepared.96.7
The instructor communicated well.96.3
The instructor motivated me to learn.96.3
Overall Evaluation of the course...96.2
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...96.3

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Professor Sultan had a good sense of humor when describing/explaining the dry and complex topics which made understanding much easier.

  • I liked the notes, the tools to practice Java and the instructor was very good at explaining Java in a thorough, yet understandable way.

  • Instructor's enthusiasm was extraordinary.

  • The teacher is fun and energetic.

  • The notes&lecture, demos apps, exercises and homeworks.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • This class needs more in-class exercises to drive home the information. 100% lecture doesn't work for me for a programming course.

  • I wish they offered it early in the morning.

  • Maybe more homework/practice examples.

  • Please use examples to relate things to the real world to keep us grounded. When we're first learning about ints and strings and arrays, it would be much more helpful if the lesson connected things to the real world. So rather than using an example of an array called array or a string called x, it could be an array called fruit or a string called apple. That would help a lot.

Additional Comments

  • Nothing -- he was absolutely great.

  • Have more hands-on during Lab.

  • I really loved his energy and sense of humor and greatly appreciate that. The one thing that bugged me was that he seemed to favor a learning style for people who prefer to just memorize things rather than understand the reasoning behind them. This approach may be necessary for such a broad audience, maybe, but I retain things much better when I understand the reasoning behind them than through rote memorization. Maybe we didn't have time to make sure people understood things deeply, but it seemed like some things were dwelled on with repetition when another sentence or two could have given the context and fundamental logic necessary to get it more thoroughly.

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Fall 2010

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.66.5
The course was appropriately challenging.66.5
The course met my learning expectations.66.5
The course was relevant to my program.66.8
The instructor was well prepared.67.0
The instructor communicated well.66.5
The instructor motivated me to learn.67.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...67.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...67.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Professor is well organized and detail oriented.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Deluge of information in a span of six classes - would be better paced over a longer period of time.

Additional Comments

  • Enjoyed the class.

  • Professor does an excellent job teaching the course materials and maintaining a high level of interest over a four hour stretch. Really enjoyed learning from him. Would be helpful to have detailed instructions on setting up the SFTP application on my home computer. I realized too late that he provided written instructions on how to install WAMP in his class 6b notes. As one of the less experienced students in the class, I struggled with figuring out how to set up everything for the class on my home computer

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Summer 2010

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.47.0
The course was appropriately challenging.46.5
The course met my learning expectations.47.0
The course was relevant to my program.47.0
The instructor was well prepared.47.0
The instructor communicated well.47.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.46.8
Overall Evaluation of the course...47.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...47.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Highly Interactive & Engaging. It made learning JAVA fun. Highlights of the coursework were the homeworks and the examples demo, that made sure that we were on the top of the learning content & were up-to-date with the individual sessions

  • The website, the notes, and all of the other extra preparations made by Prof Sultan to ensure a comprehensive learning environment.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Nothing. There is nothing that could have been changed about this course.

  • More demos done during class vs straight lecture.

Additional Comments

  • Great Professor! He did a wonderful job of engaging the class and ensuring that people were interested in the material and following along. For 3.5 hours, very few people could keep a room full of people entertained during programming lectures. He did a wonderful job of that! Plus, the website was very helpful and contained everything you could ever need.

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Summer 2010

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.66.8
The course was appropriately challenging.65.8
The course met my learning expectations.66.0
The course was relevant to my program.66.8
The instructor was well prepared.67.0
The instructor communicated well.66.3
The instructor motivated me to learn.66.5
Overall Evaluation of the course...66.2
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...66.7

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The Professor was extremely organized with course notes and materials. He provided the students with test environments to build and test code and provided a surplus of examples to study and reference.

  • The pre-typed notes that the professor posted online before the semester began & the valuable resources the professor provides his student to help them achieve their goals.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • I personnaly feel that we should have more lab time.

  • Spread it over a greater number of days. For a beginner such as myself, it felt like there was too much information in a very short period of time.

Additional Comments

  • I came in with a basic understanding of MySQL and general PHP experience. I left with a firmer grasp on both topics. Can't ask for much more than that. Good class.

Java 2 Week Intensive (X52.9226) - Summer 2010

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The course was well organized.37.0
The course was appropriately challenging.37.0
The course met my learning expectations.36.7
The course was relevant to my program.36.7
The instructor was well prepared.37.0
The instructor communicated well.37.0
The instructor motivated me to learn.37.0
Overall Evaluation of the course...37.0
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...37.0

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Instructor was THE FEATURE, Samuel Sultan is the key feature that make this whole course work effective. He is a "natural born teacher" with an special gift to make dry concept understandable. Finally all those book that I bought in the past about java makes sense

  • All of the features of this course contributed to the overall effectiveness of the class. The lectures and notes were very helpful. Professor Sultan is very good at explaining difficult concepts and his ability to find things in the real world to relate it to greatly helped in my understanding of the material. The homeworks and sample programs were also very helpful in illustrating the concept that was just explained.

  • I've taken other programming classes in NYU SCPS and by far, Professor Sultan is the best professor that I've ever had! This class, being an intensive class, had a LOT of material to cover and Professor Sultan made it manageable and enjoyable. I learned a lot from this class and Professor Sultan's ability to explain things and his preparation for the class (i.e. notes, lecture, sample programs, homeworks, final exam) inspired me to put in a lot of time and effort to learn the class material as well.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Nothing, it is just perfect. I would not make any change to the course at all and specially please do not change the professor, Samuel Sultan is the RIGHT PERSON in the planet to make shift your mind to the Java world in two weeks.

  • I wouldn't change anything...just keep up the good work!

Additional Comments

  • I wouldn't change anything about how Professor Sultan taught this class. His lecture, notes, sample programs, homework, and final exam collectively helped me understand the material. His manner of teaching kept the class exciting and manageable (a lot of material was covered!). Keep up the good work, Professor Sultan!

  • No changes. There is nothing to improve, this course is already EXCELLENT. The course is well organized and the Professor is GREAT!. Samuel Sultan did work a lot creating additional documents that were used during course, the quality of those documents is so good that one student suggest him that he should publish them. After finishing this course I had a great feeling of satisfaction, because finally I did learn java. This is the first time in my whole life that I invest $3015 so well. Thank you Sam, you are the BEST.

Data Mining & Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (Y52.3510) - Spring 2010

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was well prepared.37.0
The instructor communicated well.36.3
The instructor motivated me to learn.37.0
The course was well organized.36.7
The course was appropriately challenging.36.3
The course met my learning expectations.36.7
The course was relevant to my program.36.7
Overall Evaluation of the course...36.7
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...36.7

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Course notes which were more focused than reading huge books.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Extend the course by a couple of more weeks because 6 weeks is too short to learn this subject.

  • Nothing

Additional Comments

  • Perhaps give students a view of a real data warehouse. The instructor could perhaps create a sample warehouse in advance and give students access to the warehouse using a BI tool. This way students can see how the warehouse was designed and also see the value of drill downs.

Database Technologies for Web Applications - Graduate Course (Y52.3540) - Spring 2010

1 - Strongly Disagree,   2 - Disagree,  3 - Somewhat Disagree,
4 - Neutral,   5 - Somewhat Agree,   6 - Agree,   7 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was well prepared.56.6
The instructor communicated well.56.6
The instructor motivated me to learn.56.6
The course was well organized.56.5
The course was appropriately challenging.56.8
The course met my learning expectations.57.0
The course was relevant to my program.46.5
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...56.6
Overall Evaluation of the course...56.8

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • All features were effective - HTML, PHP and database design.

  • Creating a final project that incorporated html, SQL and PHP.

  • Practical experience I have learned from this class is the most important.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Nothing

  • Would probably have the course meet more sessions to cover all of the content. Six weeks is too short a period of time to learn all 3 concepts. It left only 2 weeks to learn PHP and more time is really needed to work with that language to understand it fully.

  • No changes

Additional Comments

  • Sam Sultan is a great instructor. He explains the concepts for this course in such a detailed manner. He obviously cares about whether his students leave the class learning something and does his best to motivate them. I would highly recommend him to other students

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Summer 2009

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Somewhat Disagree,    4 - Neutral,    5 - Somewhat Agree,    6 - Agree,    7 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was well prepared.6.8614
The instructor communicated well.6.7914
The instructor motivated me to learn.6.7914
The course was well organized.6.7114
The course was appropriately challenging.6.5714
The course met my learning expectations.6.5714
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...6.7914
Overall Evaluation of the course...6.0014

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Examples were excellent

  • The web site, the class notes and examples

  • The instructor has a well organized class website with many example demos, syllabus, and notes

  • Excellent website with lots of resources

  • Concepts and definitions of javaScripts Objects

  • Sam's web site is very helpful as well as his good jokes

  • Professor Sultan's web site specially his demos was an invaluable resource for the course. his notes were also great study guides

  • Objects, validation on client side, working on browser without resend to the server

  • Good examples files

  • Everything about the course was effective

  • Concepts of javaScript. Examples and Demos

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Spend more time on advance topics

  • Nothing. No change

  • More time, I felt that like a lot of information in a short time

  • More knowledge about HTML

  • Integrate more programming on the Macs instead of only PCs

Additional Comments

  • The professor is exceptional. He is an effective communicator, and encourages the students to comment. Thank you

  • Sam is a good teacher

  • I very much liked the course and I thought it was very much worth my time.

  • A quite trough course for students with no programming background, but the teacher is strong

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Summer 2009

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Somewhat Disagree,    4 - Neutral,    5 - Somewhat Agree,    6 - Agree,    7 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was well prepared.6.754
The instructor communicated well.6.754
The instructor motivated me to learn.6.654
The course was well organized.6.254
The course was appropriately challenging.6.004
The course met my learning expectations.6.254
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...6.504
Overall Evaluation of the course...6.004

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The online database. The class website. The notes and the examples.

  • Having the lecture notes available online to read prior to class was extremely helpful. Easy access to the standalone database was great being able to simply switch from MySql to Oracle with a simple click of a button

  • The online database that allowed us to run queries as we learned them in class and do homework in the same environment class website and everything in one place.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • Moved pretty quickly as it was only 5 sessions. Class might have been easier if it was 10 sessions, with homework for each

  • I wished the class was a little longer. There was a lot of materials to absorb in 5 weeks.

  • Add an advanced SQL class

Additional Comments

  • We were not able to access the class website and database for 2 days due to NYU moving the Unix box from one location to another.

  • 5 weeks was too short.

  • Instructor has great energy and focus

Java 2 week Summaer Intensive (X52.9226) - Summer 2009

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Somewhat Disagree,    4 - Neutral,    5 - Somewhat Agree,    6 - Agree,    7 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was well prepared.6.287
The instructor communicated well.6.287
The instructor motivated me to learn.6.147
The course was well organized.6.007
The course was appropriately challenging.6.007
The course met my learning expectations.6.007
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...6.007
Overall Evaluation of the course...6.007

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The online website with ability to view source code, and change/execute code

  • The class website with all the resources, demos, notes, etc.

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

Additional Comments

  • Great instructor

  • Instructor has energy and interesting style of mixing humor with learning

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Summer 2009

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Somewhat Disagree,    4 - Neutral,    5 - Somewhat Agree,    6 - Agree,    7 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was well prepared.6.789
The instructor communicated well.6.789
The instructor motivated me to learn.6.679
The course was well organized.6.449
The course was appropriately challenging.6.679
The course met my learning expectations.6.449
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...6.589
Overall Evaluation of the course...6.449

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • Well paced. Built from unkown to known.

  • The notes for the class, given online were well organized and a great way to prepare for each class. Through the lectures the information came to life. Engaging speaker who pays attention to the students body language to ensure comprehension of the subject matter

  • The downloadable notes

  • Presentation and communication

  • I really liked the HTTP stuff at the end

  • Course was well organized and presented very clearly and intelligently

  • Choice of homework assignments. The instructor has an exceptional depth of knowledge and is very engaging in class

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • A little more hands on and less lecture

  • Make the class longer. An extra 2 weeks would help a lot.

  • Break up the final project into multiple assignments after each session

  • Add another session

Additional Comments

  • Professor Sultan is a good instructor. Sometimes he yells, but I understand some students respond to that

  • I will definitely take another course with this instructor

  • Excellent teacher

  • Course gave me a good foundation to continue work on my own

  • An excellent teacher

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Summer 2009

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Somewhat Disagree,    4 - Neutral,    5 - Somewhat Agree,    6 - Agree,    7 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was well prepared.6.5812
The instructor communicated well.6.5012
The instructor motivated me to learn.6.5012
The course was well organized.6.5012
The course was appropriately challenging.6.3312
The course met my learning expectations.6.1712
Overall Evaluation of the instructor...6.5812
Overall Evaluation of the course...6.2512

What features of this course were especially effective?

  • The notes were really good, and having them up front made it so much easier to listen and interact. The professor was good with names, and required students to answer questions which kept me focused.

  • The lectures, the online examples, professor Sultan's notes especially compared to the book

  • Lectures, in class examples, and overview of top line

  • External objects

  • Demonstration segments of codes

  • Class notes and lectures

  • All of it

If you could add or change anything about the course what would it be?

  • The class should be in a lab environment

  • Nothing

  • More classes to cover

  • Add moe on design patterns, and threads, but I understand this is an introductory class

  • Split the course into twice a week, rather 3 hours once a week

Additional Comments

  • This professor was really great. One of the best professors I have ever had. Thank you

  • Thanks very much for a wonderful experience. I really enjoyed taking your class despite the yelling

  • Sam is an excellent instructor. My expectations were exceeded

  • Excellent instructor

  • Could be abrasive, but could also be entertaining. Eclipse class was not mandatory.

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Fall 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.388
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.147
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.258
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.758
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.388
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.577
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.888
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.297
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.2.867
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.007
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.508
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.258
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.128
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.388
The course was well organized.4.508
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.508
The course challenged me intellectually.4.388
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.628
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.628
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.238
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.318

  • My only complaint is that the examples used towards the end of the class were too complex.

  • Instructor Sam Sultan was excellent. Class was informative. I would recommend it to others.

  • Sam is a good, energetic, engaging teacher who has put a lot of work into preparing for the class. Bravo!

  • Great instructor! The heat issue in 2 of the 5 classes was distracting.

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Fall 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.1817
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.1216
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.1217
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.7617
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.2417
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.5616
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.7617
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.8817
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.6917
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.6217
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.2917
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.2417
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.1817
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.0714
The course was well organized.4.3517
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.3517
The course challenged me intellectually.4.0017
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.3517
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.2917
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.0217
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.1617

  • Would have liked more in-class hands-on work as opposed to handouts and homeworks. Also longer breaks. Overall a good job. Thanks!

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent professor, he helped me get a much greater understanding of the subject matter and I'm confident applying it to my work. I would recommend this class and will look for other classes he teaches.

  • Professor's lectures were interesting, and provided real world examples.

  • 2nd course taken with Sam Sultan. He is an excellent instructor.

  • The class could have been more hands-on and less lecture. Overall I was happy with the course.

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Fall 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.2711
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.1811
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.2711
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.7311
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.3.8211
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.5511
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn in class.3.6411
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.9111
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.7311
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.7311
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.2711
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.2711
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0911
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.3.7311
The course was well organized.4.5511
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.4511
The course challenged me intellectually.4.2711
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.4511
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.2711
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.0211
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.1111

  • Mr. Sultan is a very good instructor

  • Sam is a good instructor. For a hard course, he still found a way to make it interesting and understandable.

  • Sam is a good instructor, but it would have been more useful if the class was in a computer lab & we spent the last hour playing with the examples ourselves. But all in all, I learned a lot.

  • Overall a good course and a great instructor.

  • Sam's teaching style is unorthodox, and sometimes a bit loud. He does however have a way of making difficult subjects stick in your mind.

  • A good class on a difficult subject. I think the school should do a better job helping students pick a course which of course is not the instructor's fault.

  • Sam worked hard to make some difficult subjects interesting. I will definitely take another class with this instructor.

Web Development Two-Week Intensive (X52.9760) - Summer 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.4511
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.2010
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.6411
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.2010
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me.4.2711
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.3010
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn in class.3.8211
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.7311
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.679
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.0911
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.8211
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.9111
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.2711
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.3611
The course was well organized.4.7311
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.7311
The course challenged me intellectually.4.4511
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.9111
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.9111
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.5711
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.3911

  • The instructor was energetic and enthusiastic about teaching the subjects. He made the subjects easy to understand, discussed students questions well in class...
    Overall, I highly rate this instructor.

  • Sam explanations are very clear. He is engaging and knowledgeable. The course materials are excellent.

  • Sam is an excellent instructor. He is very confident with the material & has working experience, which makes it easy for him to find ways to explain it in simple format. I would take another class with him.

  • Sam has an amazing ability to make hard work exciting. Sam's teaching style enabled me to grasp the concepts & leave with new knowledge. I would take future classes in the same area (I.T.) with Sam. Thanks.

  • Truly passionate about his work. His passion made an otherwise long and intensive course stimulating and digestible. I would take another class with this instructor who clearly understands his realm and enjoys sharing it with students.

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Summer 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.8312
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.8312
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.8312
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.4212
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me.4.6411
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.0812
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn in class.4.1712
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.4212
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.2512
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.1712
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.7512
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.9212
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.5812
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.3312
The course was well organized.4.8312
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5812
The course challenged me intellectually.4.5812
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.8312
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.7512
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.5112
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.6012

  • Sam Sultan is a good instructor

  • I'd add an additional session to the length of the class.

  • The class was extremely well organized and well paced

  • Very good presentation of material

  • Instructor was clear and concise. Would definitely take another course w/ him again

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Summer 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.2917
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.0015
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.1817
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.9315
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.2715
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.0715
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.8817
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.7617
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.0017
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.5617
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.5917
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.5917
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0617
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.3116
The course was well organized.4.4717
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5917
The course challenged me intellectually.4.0617
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.4117
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.3517
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.1017
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.2217

  • Sam is a great instructor. I am happy to have chosen this class. I will take other classes with him.

  • I would have liked more in class hands-on work, especially in DHTML.

  • Really great instructor. Would love to take another class with him. He is really great at illuminating the subject matter.

  • Course moved too slow. Would like faster pace covering advanced features such as object-oriented Javascript.

  • In question 6, if I had asked for more comments, I surely would have received them. Sam is an excellent instructor, and I would take another class with him again.

  • I came into this class with zero previous experience in programming. While I found the subjects/topics difficult at times, Sam's organization & teaching style was a beg help. He's an engaging, lucid, and patient lecturer & instructor -- I hope to take another class with him in the future.

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Summer 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.5315
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.3113
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.2715
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0813
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.4715
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.2015
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.6715
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.7114
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.4314
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.4715
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6715
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.4715
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.2015
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.0715
The course was well organized.4.5315
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.6015
The course challenged me intellectually.4.4015
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.5315
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.4015
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.0615
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.3615

  • I enjoyed the class. The professor spent a lot of time to create the info & handouts. I learned a lot. The class gave me a better understanding of SQL.

  • Excellent instructor. He kept me motivated. Keep up the good work.

  • Definitely learned a lot. Exhaustive content and materials. Many thanks

  • Homework assignments were great to learn and practice the SQL language.

XML for Web Development (X52.9759) - Summer 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.0011
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.1811
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.2711
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0011
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.449
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.2.9111
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.4511
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.6411
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.0911
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.3611
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.4511
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.5511
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.3.9111
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.3.6411
The course was well organized.4.0011
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.3611
The course challenged me intellectually.4.4511
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.5511
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.2711
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..3.9011
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..3.9511

  • Great class !! Well organized, material was explained clearly.

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Spring 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.4314
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.2313
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.2313
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0812
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.2114
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.3813
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.8211
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.7114
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.7713
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.5014
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.5014
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.7914
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0014
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.3.8614
The course was well organized.4.5014
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.6414
The course challenged me intellectually.4.2914
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.6414
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.4314
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.0814
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.1814

  • Sam is a great teacher who makes even Javascript interesting. I would love to have Sam teach another class - Joe L.

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Spring 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.508
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.508
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.628
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.128
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.297
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.888
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.508
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.128
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.008
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.008
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.508
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.888
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.758
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.605
The course was well organized.4.628
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.258
The course challenged me intellectually.4.628
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.508
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.628
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.348
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.428

  • The aids and resources the instructor created online are very impressive & extremely helpful. A+

  • The best thing about this course is Sam (the instructor). If I ever become a teacher, I will try to implement his methodology. Thank you Sam. Thank you SCPS.

  • The instructor Sam Sultan was very good. He taught me a lot of stuff and concepts that will help me in the long run. I am really glad I took this class.

  • Sam is one of the best teachers I've had. He has an extraordinary ability to simplify very complex ideas and makes them comprehensible/palatable. He understands when & how his students get off track & returns them to understanding, over and over again. My only suggestion is to tone down the loudness. At time he shouts for emphasis which is compelling, but is a bit too loud.

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Spring 2008

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.1421
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.2921
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.5721
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0021
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me.4.4321
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.2521
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn in class.3.2921
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.0021
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.0018
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.0015
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.8621
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.8621
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.2921
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.3318
The course was well organized.4.7121
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.4321
The course challenged me intellectually.5.0021
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.7121
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.5721
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.3621
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.3621

  • Great class. Great teacher (I've taken several with Mr. Sultan). Very accelerated, would have been better with more classes (10 class course) with more exercises.

  • Prof. Sultan was very informative and enjoyable. He answered every questions asked.
    Thank you.

  • Would love to take advanced MySQL course with him next semester

  • I need 1 to 2 more weeks to learn the subject better

  • The instructor is good, but I think there is too much material to be covered in 5 classes.

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Fall 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.4314
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.2313
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.2313
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0812
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.2114
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.3813
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.8211
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.7114
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.7713
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.5014
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.5014
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.7914
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0014
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.3.8614
The course was well organized.4.5014
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.6414
The course challenged me intellectually.4.2914
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.6414
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.4314
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.0814
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.1814

  • Excellent course - Engaging subject and teacher. Excellent demos & references will be useful long after class has ended!

  • Great class! I enjoyed having Sam as my teacher since JavaScript is a tough language to learn and he explained things well.

  • More homework would be an added benefit to add to Sam's great explanation of the subject matter

  • Great course, I got what I expected. Thanks!

  • This class was well structured. I really like the silly web contents, and the examples and demos.

  • Overall this was a great class. The instructor obviously knew the material, was well organized and worked hard to keep everyone interested. My only suggestion is to spend less time on introducing the topics.

  • Sam is energetic and an exciting/interesting instructor. It was easy for me to learn from him. I appreciate his history of IT footnotes in class. They added to the depth of knowledge.

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Fall 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.508
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.508
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.628
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.128
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.297
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.888
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.508
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.128
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.008
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.008
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.508
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.888
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.758
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.605
The course was well organized.4.628
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.258
The course challenged me intellectually.4.628
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.508
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.628
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.348
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.428

  • Professor Sultan is an excellent teacher who put a lot of effort and consideration into building this course. The type of examples, prepared notes, and homework exercises were all coordinated to convey the idea necessary to gain a good understanding.

    I am not a programmer, but this course was an excellent formal introduction to Java coding and concepts, and prepared me for further studies in this area.

    The lectures were aided greatly by Sam's approach using emphasis and humor.
    I call him an evil genius in the best possible sense. He gave you just enough in the lectures/examples to make it easy to do the homework, and to learn Java accordingly.

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Fall 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.3116
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.1216
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.0015
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.1216
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.0715
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.3010
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.0616
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.7114
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.5012
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.6712
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.4416
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.5016
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.1216
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.0714
The course was well organized.4.5016
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.3116
The course challenged me intellectually.4.3816
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.5816
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.3816
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.0516
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.2116

  • This was a very good class, and I am encouraged to continue with advanced SQL studies

  • Professor, your notes are great. It's good reference for practicing at home. I will also use them at work. Thanks!

  • Sam's eccentric teaching style made the course educational, entertaining and interesting all at once.

XML for Web Development (X52.9759) - Fall 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.789
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.259
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.679
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.129
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.449
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.009
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.119
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.009
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.899
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.009
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.449
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.789
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.449
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.009
The course was well organized.4.679
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.569
The course challenged me intellectually.4.679
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.569
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.899
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.319
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.539

  • Professor Sultan made the entire learning process enjoyable. I would definitely take other classes with him. Thank you!

  • Great and very competent instructor.

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent instructor. Would love to take another class with him.

  • Professor Sultan brought what would otherwise be a dull course to life by his delivery, animation and analogies. I can't imagine how anyone could do better teaching this course.

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Fall 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.147
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.297
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.577
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.007
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me.4.437
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.257
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn in class.3.297
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.007
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.006
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.005
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.867
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.867
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.297
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.336
The course was well organized.4.717
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.437
The course challenged me intellectually.5.007
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.717
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.577
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.367
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.367

  • Great, interesting class. A lot of information to cover, I don't feel like I thoroughly understand every thing, but I have a good basis. Worthwhile Sam made the dull palatable enough.

  • Great class, Sam made the class very enjoyable. He made some very difficult concepts easier to understand. I would definitely recommend this class & instructor.

  • Could use additional sessions to cover more topics.

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent teacher. I had taken this course once before at NYU - it was terrible. When I saw that Sam Sultan was teaching, I signed up for his class. In fact, I probably would only take courses taught by him.

  • Great teacher.

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Summer 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.3312
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.1712
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.4212
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0812
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.1712
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.229
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.8211
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.1010
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.1712
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.5511
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.5012
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.5012
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.1712
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.1811
The course was well organized.4.7512
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5812
The course challenged me intellectually.4.0812
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.5012
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.5012
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.1712
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.2312

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent instructor. I would definitely take another one of his classes.

  • The instructor simplified method of explaining subjects, and provided enough examples and analogy to make it a lot easier to understand the concepts in this class. The instructor passion and enthusiasm is contagious and motivating to learn and to gain deeper understanding of the subject matter.
    Great class!!

  • I wouldn't have any other instructor teaching this course. Sam Sultan is an excellent instructor.

  • This course really helped me. Sam has been the best instructor in NYU Web Development curriculum.

  • I would have liked to see more cutting edge Javascript examples. e.g. how websites use it instead of Flash.

  • Very good professor. I would definitely take another course from him again.

  • This intro to JavaScript gave me strong grasp of the language. I never formally learned the language. Sam did an excellent job in teaching the subject matter. We dissected code, but would have loved to have done more coding exercises. Great job Sam!

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Summer 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.3611
The class developed my problem-solving skills.3.9111
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.2711
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.8211
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.4511
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.5511
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.2711
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.7311
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.6010
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.4511
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.3611
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.0911
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.3.9010
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.3.9010
The course was well organized.4.1010
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5010
The course challenged me intellectually.4.2010
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.7010
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.5010
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.0011
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.3011

  • The instructor is phenomenal where he made the class very interesting, and the concepts very easy to understand. I plan to take more classes with this instructor

  • Best NYU class I took so far, and I have taken 3 previously

  • This class was very helpful for Learning queries and learning SQL. The prof. was very motivating & interesting.

  • The instructor is good at explaining things. He is energetic, which helps a lot when trying to learn things after a tiring workday. I would strongly recommend the instructor to others, and would consider taking other courses he teaches.

Data Mining and Data Warehousing - Graduate Course (Y52.3540) - Spring 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.6015
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.0715
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.3315
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0015
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.2914
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.6015
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.1315
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.0014
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.7315
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.7315
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6715
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.4715
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.3315
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.4015
The course was well organized.4.4015
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.2715
The course challenged me intellectually.3.9315
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.4015
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.3315
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.1815
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.2915

  • I would suggest some real time example presentation to get a clearer understanding.

  • Loved the class notes! They were very helpful for understanding the subject.

  • I am very thankful for the opportunity to participate in this class. Learning, sharing and exploring data warehousing technologies with such a talented instructor, and classmates. Thank you so much professor Sultan for a great class, and for bearing with me.

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Spring 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.5016
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.4416
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.4416
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.3116
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.3116
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.6213
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.8816
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.0016
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.2715
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.8015
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6216
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.6916
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.3816
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.1216
The course was well organized.4.5616
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5016
The course challenged me intellectually.4.5616
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.6916
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.6216
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.2416
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.3916

  • Instructor very organized and knowledgeable on subject. Course should be extended by 2 more weeks

  • I love the fact that I am not only refreshing my skills, but I am learning a lot of new knowledge.
    Very interesting instructor, looking forward to taking more classes with him.

  • Prof. Sultan has a very crafted presentation.

  • Sam is a great teacher, and I look forward to taking more classes with him.
    I do wish that the class was longer than five weeks. There is too much content to cover in such a short time.

XML for Web Development (X52.9759) - Spring 2007

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.2914
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.0813
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.1414
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.9212
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.3812
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.6712
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.6414
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.6414
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.8312
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.7512
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.3614
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.4314
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.1513
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.3312
The course was well organized.4.4613
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.6213
The course challenged me intellectually.4.4613
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.6913
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.3813
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.1214
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.3714

  • Sam Sultan is a dynamic instructor who helped make a dry subject interesting. The course covered a lot of material, but he helped keep me focused.

  • Very enjoying and enthusiastic teacher - I gained a lot!

  • Hard subject, good teacher. Sam is the best teacher for all the web development classes.

  • Very good @ explaining the subject matter so any student at any level may understand.
    Oh, and your lecture keeps me awake... Love the tone!

Database Technology for Web Applications - Graduate Course (Y52.3540) - Fall 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The course content is relevant and up to date.4.6118
The level of the course is appropriate.4.3918
The subject matter has been well organized.4.6018
The course objectives have been made clear.4.6018
So far, I am satisfied with this course.4.5018
The instructor is well prepared for each class.4.6118
The instructor is willing to entertain questions.4.6718
The instructor is knowledgeable about the subject.4.6718
The instructor provides timely feedback.4.5518
So far, I am satisfied with the instructor.4.6118
I would recommend this instructor.4.5018
I would take another course with this instructor.4.5518

  • Sam Sultan is the best instructor I've taken classes with

  • I am so happy that I took this class. He is simply great

Object Oriented Analysis & Design - Graduate Course (Y52.3530) - Fall 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The course content is relevant and up to date.4.254
The level of the course is appropriate.4.004
The subject matter has been well organized.4.004
The course objectives have been made clear.4.254
So far, I am satisfied with this course.4.254
The instructor is well prepared for each class.4.254
The instructor is willing to entertain questions.4.254
The instructor is knowledgeable about the subject.4.254
The instructor provides timely feedback.4.004
So far, I am satisfied with the instructor.4.504
I would recommend this instructor.4.754
I would take another course with this instructor.4.754

Introduction to Java (X52.9238) - Summer 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.7311
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.3610
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.8211
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.3611
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.8211
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.2711
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.3611
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.6411
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.9111
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.8211
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.9111
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.9111
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.6411
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.8011
The course was well organized.4.7311
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.9111
The course challenged me intellectually.4.7311
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.9111
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.7311
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.7611
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.7511

  • Sam did an excellent job teaching this class. He clarified concepts and ideas that prior to taking this class I'd had problems understanding. He related a lot of material to real-world situations, and used real-world analogies to make the concepts being taught concrete in our minds. I would highly recommend this course for anyone wishing to learn the basics of Java. In addition, I think Sam would do a great job in teaching the Java I course.

  • Instructor/Professor Sultan is a good teacher. Enough said!

  • This was a great class. Prof. Sultan has extensive experience in this area and is easy to understand. Rich Batka

  • Overall very helpful class and great instructor, I have already applied for Java I and prep course for Certificate in Java Fall 2006

  • The best instructor I have had in a long time. Excellent job.

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Summer 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.4511
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.1010
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.2711
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.6010
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.3611
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.0911
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.1811
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.4010
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.8211
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.2711
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6411
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.6411
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0911
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.5511
The course was well organized.4.7311
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.3611
The course challenged me intellectually.4.1811
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.7311
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.5511
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.4011
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.2711

  • Teacher is excellent and is very organized with the method of teaching. Classes are timed well. Lectures are very enjoyable

  • Excellent lectures & very well organized. I am happy I took this class & learned a lot. Very good notes and lectures were clearly presented. Keep up the good work

  • This class could have been longer and covered more in depth material. However, I was very satisfied with the class and the instructor.

  • This class was great --> made somewhat complex material easy to understand. Thanks so much

JavaScript (X52.9755) - Summer 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.628
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.258
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.388
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.508
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.888
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.288
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.128
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.147
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.258
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.888
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.628
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.758
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.628
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.628
The course was well organized.4.758
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.758
The course challenged me intellectually.4.508
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.508
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.628
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.438
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.538

  • Excellent Instructor! I would take other classes he teaches. He makes a very technical subject interesting.

  • Kept a very dry topic interesting! Highly recommended! Give this guy a raise!

  • Great, informative class & exiting teaching style. Very helpful.

MySQL with PHP (X52.9367) - Spring 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.2711
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.3611
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.3611
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.8211
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.1811
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.3611
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.7311
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.1010
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.8211
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.3611
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6411
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.5511
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0011
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.3011
The course was well organized.4.5511
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.6411
The course challenged me intellectually.4.1811
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.6411
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.4511
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.2111
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.0911

  • Professor Sultan is Excellent!

  • This class had 5 five-hour sessions. Mr. Sultan took over on the second session and did an excellent job teaching us everything in 4 sessions so we can complete a final project on the last session.

  • While he was the most organized and interesting teacher I have ever had, it is difficult to learn MySql and PHP in only 15-20 hours well enough to develop our own web application. That being said, I will look forward to Mr. Sultan classes, and hope to take more classes from him in the future. Bravo!

XML for Web Development (X52.9759) - Spring 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.336
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.506
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.506
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.805
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.676
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.176
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.176
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.176
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.506
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.336
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.676
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.676
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.176
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.506
The course was well organized.4.336
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.506
The course challenged me intellectually.4.006
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.676
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.506
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.446
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.546

SQL Programming Language (X52.9272) - Spring 2006

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.5012
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.1712
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.5812
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.0012
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.3312
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.3312
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.4212
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.3611
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.1712
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.5511
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.5812
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.7512
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.2512
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.2512
The course was well organized.4.5812
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.2512
The course challenged me intellectually.4.0812
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.5812
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.5812
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.4612
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.3412

  • I suggest adding "running scripts" in SQL

  • Mr. Sultan did an excellent job explaining the subject matter. He was able to give us just enough information to learn SQL without too much lecturing.

Introduction to Java (X52-9759) - Fall 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.638
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.297
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.758
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.758
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.388
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.758
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.138
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.008
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.008
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.388
The instructor was good at explaining things.5.008
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.888
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.297
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.008
The course was well organized.4.577
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.297
The course challenged me intellectually.4.437
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.5.007
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.577
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.388
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.488

  JavaScript (X52-9755) - Fall 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.8419
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.4719
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.5819
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.3219
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.5319
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.3319
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.1119
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.3919
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.1119
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.3219
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.8919
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.7919
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.5319
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.3719
The course was well organized.4.7919
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.7419
The course challenged me intellectually.4.5919
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.7819
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.7919
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.5519
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.6719

SQL Programming Language (X52-9272) - Fall 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.6015
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.3614
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.4015
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.2914
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.4015
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.9314
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.5315
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.0014
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.0715
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.9314
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.4715
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.6015
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.2715
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.4715
The course was well organized.4.6715
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.4715
The course challenged me intellectually.4.3315
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.6015
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.4715
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.2815
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.4115

  • Thank you very much for the class. It was very fun and well organized class. One thing though, in addition to Oracle and MySql, the class should also touch on MS-SQL since it is so popular. Again, it was really a good class. I enjoyed at lot!!!

  • Sam is a great instructor. He helped open my problem solving skills

  • He is a great instructor, very enthusiastic and a great communicator of the topic. He spent a lot of time preparing materials for this class which was extremely helpful

  • This was a fantastic class to my benefit. I have gained real world insight as to what can be accomplished using the SQL syntax. The course has opened new avenues for me to tackle real world problems in my work place. The instructor was very motivational and encouraged many ways to look outside the box for processing or query data. A+++

  • Excellent instructor, well organized course. I will take another class with this instructor.

Introduction to Java (X52-9759) - Summer 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always understood.4.5010
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.2010
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.4010
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.1010
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.5010
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.3310
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.2010
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.339
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.229
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.3010
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.8010
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.5.0010
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.5010
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.259
The course was well organized.4.7010
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.7010
The course challenged me intellectually.4.7010
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.7010
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.6010
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.5110
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.4510

Web Development with HTML (X52-9740) - Summer 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always understood.4.388
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.258
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.388
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.336
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.138
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.258
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.758
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.258
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.868
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.508
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.388
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.508
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.508
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.388
The course was well organized.4.508
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.508
The course challenged me intellectually.4.138
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.258
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.508
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.398
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.288

Create Your Own Web Site in 3 Easy Sessions (X52-9131) - Summer 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always understood.4.888
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.388
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.508
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.888
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.258
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.638
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.888
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.258
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.008
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.258
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.888
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.758
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.638
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.638
The course was well organized.4.888
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.388
The course challenged me intellectually.4.758
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.888
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.888
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.418
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.628

Introduction to Java (X52-9759) - Spring 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always understood.4.6916
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.4715
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.6316
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.9416
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.4416
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.0716
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.1316
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.2516
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.3.9316
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.1916
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6316
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.6916
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.6916
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.6715
The course was well organized.4.6916
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5616
The course challenged me intellectually.4.5016
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.8116
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.5616
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.4616
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.6116

XML for Web Development (X52-9759) - Spring 2005

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always understood.4.6411
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.5511
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.5511
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.5511
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.3611
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.2711
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.0011
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.1811
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.0011
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.2711
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6411
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.7311
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.5511
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.5511
The course was well organized.4.9111
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5511
The course challenged me intellectually.4.6411
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.9111
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.7311
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.4711
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.5011

Introduction to Java (X52-9759) - Fall 2004

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always understood.4.5012
The class developed my problem-solving skills.4.5012
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.6712
This class sharpened my analytical skills.4.1712
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.2512
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.4.4212
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.4.2512
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.4.0012
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.3312
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.4.1712
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.6712
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.6712
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0012
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.2512
The course was well organized.4.6712
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.5012
The course challenged me intellectually.4.4212
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.4212
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.6712
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.4212
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.2512

XML for Web Development (X52-9759) - Fall 2004

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Neutral,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The standard of work expected in this class was always easily understood.4.0013
The class developed my problem-solving skills.3.8513
The instructor of this class motivated me to do my best work.4.1513
This class sharpened my analytical skills.3.7713
I usually had a clear idea of where I was going and what was expected of me in class.4.0013
The instructor put a lot of time into commenting on my work.3.4613
I was generally given enough time to understand the things I had to learn.3.9213
The instructor made an effort to understand difficulties I might be having with my work.3.8513
The evaluation methods employed required an in-depth understanding of the class content.4.2313
The instructor normally gave me helpful feedback on how I was doing.3.8513
The instructor was good at explaining things.4.3113
The instructor worked hard to make the subjects interesting.4.3113
The instructor made it clear right from the start what she/he expected from students.4.0813
Students' ideas and suggestions were listened to during the course.4.0813
The course was well organized.4.3813
The instructor encouraged me to participate in class.4.0813
The course challenged me intellectually.4.0013
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.4.3113
Overall, I was satisfied with the quality of this class.4.2313
Average for Effective Teaching Strategies..4.2313
Average for Clear Goals and Standards..4.0413

  • Sam Sultan is an excellent professor with a great deal of practical knowledge. He is great at understanding and explaining complex topics & he goes out of his way to make his class fun.

  • The instructor was really good. He is motivating and did a great job explaining the topics. He is very knowledgeable and great to work with.

  • Sam can sometimes go down a path of getting too technical and detail to the point of confusion. But overall, I found him a passionate, informative teacher who seems to really enjoy his work and his time in front of the class.

  • Bravo.

  • I have never learned and enjoyed myself so much before! Sam is an amazing professor.

  • If every instructor I ever had was as dedicated as Sam, I would have learned so much more in my life.

XML for Web Development (X52-9759) - Fall 2003

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The syllabus clearly articulated the content of this course.164.50
The reading and reference materials for this course were clearly identified.164.44
The stated objectives for this course were achieved.164.31
The level and types of materials for this course were appropriate.164.19
I found the course to be stimulating.164.00
The class periods were well organized.164.38
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.164.25
The material in this course will help me in my professional life.164.25
This course challenged me intellectually.164.25
I would recommend this course to a friend or a colleague.163.88
Course Evaluation Average..164.24

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor was prepared and organized.164.88
The instructor presented the material effectively.164.44
The instructor demonstrated a good command of the subject matter for the course.164.75
The instructor was enthusiastic about the subject matter.164.94
The instructor was reasonable in his/her expectations for the course.164.50
The instructor clearly explained how students would be evaluated.164.38
The feedback I received for the instructor was useful.164.50
The instructor encouraged participation in class.164.63
The instructor was fair in his/her evaluation of my work.164.56
The instructor is among the best I have had at SCPS.164.38
The would take another course with this instructor.164.50
Instructor Evaluation Average..164.59

1 - Very Dissatisfied,    2 - Dissatisfied,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Satisfied,    5 - Very Satisfied
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course?164.31
Overall, how satisfied were you with this instructor?164.44
Overall Course Evaluation Average..164.38

  • Great job by Sam! He made a "dry" topic very exciting. I would highly recommend him. The only other improvement is to have made more details about the requirements for the final project.

  • Great class, I would add more lab time to make the class more effective.

  • More hands on lab time would be helpful. The instructor was great.

  • Good instructor.

  • Great instructor. But I can't understand why programming courses are 10 weeks. This is crazy. More time is needed.

  • Bravo!!!

  • More homework assignments would help students synthesize the material better. Good class.

  • Good course!! Great instructor!!

Internet Technologies Certificate (X52-9742) - Summer 2002 Saturday class

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The objectives of the course were clearly identified.104.60
The stated objectives for this course were achieved.104.10
The syllabus clearly articulated the focus of the course.104.56
The level and types of materials for this course were appropriate.104.30
I found the course material to be stimulating.104.10
The class periods were well organized.104.70
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.104.30
This course was one of the most demanding I have ever taken at SCPS.104.13
I would recommend this course to a friend.104.13
Course Evaluation Average..104.35

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor is among the best I have had at SCPS.104.38
The instructor was prepared and organized.104.56
The instructor was an effective presenter.104.67
The instructor seemed to have substantial knowledge of the subject matter.104.33
The instructor was enthusiastic about the subject matter.104.88
The instructor was reasonable in his/her expectations for the course.104.56
The instructor clearly explained how students would be evaluated.105.00
The feedback I received for the instructor was useful.104.56
The instructor encouraged participation in class.104.78
The instructor was fair in his/her evaluation of my work.104.89
The would take another course with this instructor.104.44
Instructor Evaluation Average..104.64

1 - Very Dissatisfied,    2 - Dissatisfied,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Satisfied,    5 - Very Satisfied
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course?104.20
Overall, how satisfied were you with this instructor?104.40
Overall Course Evaluation Average..104.30

  • This was a great course.

  • There should be a requirement for some knowledge of programming for taking this course. The intensive nature of the class does not allow newbies to the material to adjust quick enough.

  • There's not enough space here to say all the wonderful things I can say about this class and especially Sam. He is magnificent at breaking things down and presenting the info in such a way you have no choice but to understand it. He understands the structure of the course and modifies / adjusts his teaching accordingly. He lectures with just enough humor between the huge servings of knowledge. There were times I wanted to get up and kiss him (figuratively speaking) because he made it so simple to understand topics I found so complex. He really takes the mystery out of the internet technologies. He's enthusiastic and full of knowledge. I just live this class. Bottom line, I looked forward every Saturday to attending and staying awake and paid attention all (if not most) of the time. To know me, is to know this is a miracle, and Sam was able to do that. Thank you for being such an excellent instructor.

  • A great course, and an even greater instructor. That's all that need to be said.

  • There is a lot to learn and grasp in an 8 hour stretch. I can not come in on weeknights, so the only option is weekend classes. Perhaps the format of the course could be 6 hour classes spread out over more than 12 weekends.

Web Development w/ JavaScript, Perl and SQL Certificate (X52-9761) - Spring 2002

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The objectives of the course were clearly identified.164.69
The stated objectives for this course were achieved.164.81
The syllabus clearly articulated the focus of the course.164.88
The level and types of materials for this course were appropriate.164.81
I found the course material to be stimulating.164.75
The class periods were well organized.164.88
The course added to my understanding of the subject matter.164.94
This course was one of the most demanding I have ever taken at SCPS.164.13
I would recommend this course to a friend.164.69
Course Evaluation Average..164.73

1 - Strongly Disagree,    2 - Disagree,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Agree,    5 - Strongly Agree
The instructor is among the best I have had at SCPS.164.81
The instructor was prepared and organized.164.94
The instructor was an effective presenter.165.00
The instructor seemed to have substantial knowledge of the subject matter.164.94
The instructor was enthusiastic about the subject matter.165.00
The instructor was reasonable in his/her expectations for the course.164.75
The instructor clearly explained how students would be evaluated.164.75
The feedback I received for the instructor was useful.164.75
The instructor encouraged participation in class.164.63
The instructor was fair in his/her evaluation of my work.164.44
The would take another course with this instructor.164.75
Instructor Evaluation Average..164.80

1 - Very Dissatisfied,    2 - Dissatisfied,   3 - Undecided,    4 - Satisfied,    5 - Very Satisfied
Overall, how satisfied were you with this course?164.81
Overall, how satisfied were you with this instructor?164.94
Overall Course Evaluation Average..164.88

  • Great class, extremely well organized. Thanks to Mr. Sultan for his dedication to the class.

  • Sam Sultan is one of the most effective instructors at SCPS. I would highly recommend his classes to my colleagues.

  • Sam is a great teacher. He should teach more classes like the Java class.

  • Environment were not acceptable. Rooms are hot and small.   Instructor was great.
    NYU administration was poor.

  • The duration of the course should be longer. It was a lot of material to cover in 12 weeks.

  • It was messy handling by NYU regarding the class location on the first day and on April 29. Classroom was changed without prior notice. Lab assistants were always late in getting to the room. Sam is an exceptional instructor. I have learnt a lot in his class.

  • I have taken many courses at NYU SCPS and this class was the best of all of them. Sam is an amazing instructor.

  • The instructor was great. Perfect for the time frame to keep us engaged, especially after the 9 o'clock hour.

Internet Technologies Certificate (X52-9742) - Fall 2001 Saturday class
     Too little material   9   About right   2   Too much material  
     Too elementary   11   About Right       Too advanced
     Poorly organized      Moderately organized   11   Well organized
     Poorly prepared      Moderately prepared   11   Well prepared
     Discourages them      Somewhat reluctant   11   Encourages them
     Limited knowledge      Adequate knowledge   11   Extensive knowledge
     Often starts late      Sometimes starts late   11   Starts on time
  11   Yes      No
  11   Yes      No
  11   Yes      No

  • Sam is a knowledgeable, energetic instructor. He has an excellent way of conveying ideas and concepts, breaking them up with practical applications. He is fully committed to helping his students learn and apply the course work. He is funny, articulate and helpful - going above & beyond all my expectations.
    Great course! Also the TA Rohit was fantastic too. An excellent compliment to Sam's teaching.

  • Mr. Sultan is an excellent instructor.

  • The instructor provided various examples which helped me to understand different applications of each topic.

  • This course was GREAT! I learned more than I expected. I started out in September knowing nothing about creating web sites, and have completed this course with quite a variety of information that will serve me well in the future. Sam Sultan is excellent. His knowledge and material is superior and his teaching ability is to be commended. Thank you Sam.
    (Maria Austin)

  • This was an amazingly informative course that gave me a great overview of this area of work and technology. Having now gone through all the classes I would have to say that I probably came into the class a "little bit" under qualified. However, the instructor covered all information extremely well, was very enthusiastic on the subject, was always patient and encouraging.
    In summary, the class was very challenging for me and covered such an expanse of information that I have learned an incredible amount and have much information to continue absorbing over the next months. The instructor was excellent and the class more than fulfilled all of my expectations.

  • Sam is an excellent teacher

  • This is an excellent class taught by an excellent instructor whose knowledge of the subject matter is superior. Sam's dedication and enthusiasm to help is commendable. NYU is very fortunate to have Sam Sultan on staff.

  • Sam Sultan is one of the best instructors I have ever had in my many years at school and at work (corporate training). No one has ever come close to his level of enthusiasm and preparedness for his subject and lectures. He is absolutely an asset to the school of NYU SCPS.

  • Since Javascript and Perl CGI are more complicated than HTML, one extra week devoted to this part of the course material would be helpful.

  • Provided a great understanding with word and detailed brush stoke. Thanks!!

Internet Technologies Certificate (X52-9742) - Summer 2001 Saturday class
     Too little material   7   About right   1   Too much material  
     Too elementary   8   About Right       Too advanced
     Poorly organized      Moderately organized   8   Well organized
     Poorly prepared      Moderately prepared   8   Well prepared
     Discourages them      Somewhat reluctant   8   Encourages them
     Limited knowledge      Adequate knowledge   8   Extensive knowledge
     Often starts late      Sometimes starts late   8   Starts on time
  8   Yes      No
  8   Yes      No
  8   Yes      No

  • Sam's knowledge of the material accompanied by his enjoyable teaching style allows for an excellent learning environment.

  • Sam is an excellent instructor and it was a pleasure being in his course. I have learned a great deal of information that I will be able to apply at work.

  • This was a great class! The professor was very knowledgeable and the course was worth the time.

  • I wish there was less HTML and more JavaScript and Perl.

  • Class is well paced and Sam is very energetic. More than enough information is taught to create and execute a nice web site.

  • The course starts too slow and speeds through the more advanced subject matter. It would be more helpful to spend more time on the advance topics. Hand coding HTML seemed to slow the process of the group, even though it was helpful later when creating dynamic HTML.

Internet Technologies Certificate (X52-9742) - Spring 2001 Saturday class
     Too little material 14   About right   1   Too much material  
     Too elementary 13   About Right   2   Too advanced
     Poorly organized      Moderately organized 15   Well organized
     Poorly prepared      Moderately prepared 15   Well prepared
     Discourages them      Somewhat reluctant 15   Encourages them
     Limited knowledge      Adequate knowledge 15   Extensive knowledge
     Often starts late      Sometimes starts late 15   Starts on time
15   Yes      No
14   Yes   1   No
15   Yes      No

  • Excellent course. Sam is an exceptionally good lecturer and is very professional.
    I would recommend this course to anyone.

  • The Javascript & Perl Programming classes were somewhat rushed, If one more week is allocated it will be better.

  • Sam is an excellent instructor. He is willing to explain a topic until you understand it.
    Very patient. Explains/teaches clearly and concisely.

  • This course taught me an incredible amount of info. While I would take another class from this teacher, I won't take another class on Saturday. The class is too long and very hard to absorb all the info- I am very happy to have taken it & have already recommended it to many people. All the books should be required not recommended because you need all of them. Also, there shouldn't be any exams. Project are or should be enough.

  • At the beginning of this course I had no idea how the internet websites worked. Now I am very clear and comfortable to be able to design my own sites.

  • Given the accelerated pace- Sam went into depth on most topics and was able to keep most of us on track.

  • Excellent instructor, one of the best I ever had!!!

  • I think Sam is an excellent instructor. I would certainly take another course with him. He is energetic, has a very good grasp of the course material and displays a real willingness to help students and further explain the material if required. This was money well spent.

Web Development w/ JavaScript, Perl and SQL Certificate (X52-9761) - Spring 2001
  1   Too little material   8   About right   1   Too much material  
  1   Too elementary 9   About Right      Too advanced
     Poorly organized      Moderately organized 10   Well organized
     Poorly prepared      Moderately prepared 10   Well prepared
     Discourages them      Somewhat reluctant 10   Encourages them
     Limited knowledge      Adequate knowledge 10   Extensive knowledge
     Often starts late   2   Sometimes starts late   8   Starts on time
10   Yes      No
  9   Yes   1   No
10   Yes      No

  • Good teacher. Knows subject and has a pleasant presentation.

  • Excellent teacher!

  • The course is as advertised - Intensive and thorough.

  • This was a great class with an excellent instructor. I learned a lot from this course and feel better equipped in the area of JavaScript, Perl & SQL. My primary suggestion for improving the class is to more rigorously enforce the prerequisites. If someone doesn't know HTML and/or doesn't understand how to write a basic "for" loop, they should not be in this class. The HTML "review" should be condensed to one lecture instead of two. This would allow more time for areas that I feel were covered quickly and in less depth that I would have preferred, namely SQL and to a lesser extent, Perl.

  • He is the best teacher I've ever had.

  • Excellent instructor.

  • Course started out a bit too slowly reviewing the pre-requisites. Then it rushed through stuff at the end to fit all in. This was rather unfortunate since Sam is an excellent teacher and we would have been well served to have him go in depth on the Perl and SQL modules.