The Arts Activism Archive (formerly known as The Arts Activism and Identity Archive) is a project created by Gallatin students and artists Lydia Pamudji (@theheartexhibit) and Nina Osoria Ahmadi (@niblorf). This project was born out of the desire to learn more about the local creatives in New York and the impacts that they had on the broader community. For the last couple of months, Lydia and Nina have been reading and writing about history, artworks/artists, and nonprofits to help inform their understanding of how to create a community/network for creatives passionate about social change. Some of the research they did included studying the mission statements of various NYC local community organizations as well as the statements of contemporary artists working in the city, such as Tatyana Fazlalizadeh (@tlynnfaz) and Amanda Phingbodhipakkiya (@alonglastname). From there, Lydia and Nina went on to interview artists, activists, and organizers to publish a digital archive showcasing them and their incredible work. Their goal was to better understand the value of the arts as a tool to mobilize movements that no other medium can. This network is our and your space for creative communication and collaboration.