Aerial sports are probably the #1 thing I get sucked into watching and trying to learn from videos online. I started pole dancing for fun in a student club that was offered at my previous university about two years ago, but with my conflicting class schedule, I could never make the club meetings/practices. When the pandemic hit and we were all sent home and into quarantine, I made money to order a pole online to install in my basement. From there, I’ve been entirely teaching myself pole moves and tricks from watching Instagram or YouTube videos, and it’s been a lot of fun trying new moves and figuring out how to improve. I recommend the sport to everyone and anyone. I’m working on trying to do more tricks upside-down, but so far I’m only able to practice whenever I visit home. One day I’d like to become proficient enough at it where I can teach other people. With aerial sports / fitness in general, I also really wanted to try aerial silks and hoops.