Show all Hierarchical DOM Nodes - Internal XML

-- <XML> null     id="XML"     style="display:none"
      <#comment> Create XML data island
      <#comment> ?xml version="1.0"?
      <#comment> This is an XML file
    -- <INVENTORY> null
          <#comment> Books in Stock
        -- <BOOK> null     binding="mass market paperback"     onsale="yes"
            -- <TITLE1> null
                  <#text> The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
            -- <AUTHOR> null     born="1835"
                  <#text> Mark Twain
            -- <PAGES> null
                  <#text> 298
            -- <PRICE> null
                  <#text> $5.49
        -- <BOOK> null     binding="trade paperback"     onsale="no"
            -- <TITLE1> null
                  <#text> The Marble Faun
            -- <AUTHOR> null     born="1804"
                  <#text> Nathaniel Hawthorne
            -- <PAGES> null
                  <#text> 473
            -- <PRICE> null
                  <#text> $10.95
        -- <BOOK> null     binding="hardcover"     onsale="yes"
            -- <TITLE1> null
                  <#text> Moby-Dick
            -- <AUTHOR> null     born="1819"
                  <#text> Herman Melville
            -- <PAGES> null
                  <#text> 724
            -- <PRICE> null
                  <#text> $9.95
        -- <BOOK> null     binding="trade paperback"     onsale="no"
            -- <TITLE1> null
                  <#text> XML Step By Step
            -- <AUTHOR> null     born="unknown"
                  <#text> Michael Young
            -- <PAGES> null
                  <#text> 488
            -- <PRICE> null
                -- <US> null
                      <#text> $39.95
                -- <CANADA> null
                      <#text> $49.95