Create Your Own Website
in Three Easy Sessions

Course Number - X52.9131
Section - 001 (Saturday 10:00am-12:00pm)


Instructor: Sam Sultan []
Class web site: [] (or) []

+ syllabus
+ books
+ grades and policy
+ final project
+ student listing
+ lab facilities
+ examples & demos
+ other classes
+ student feedback
+ student evaluations & comments

Session - 1   2   3a   3b  

Web Hosting - FTP (download) - SFTP (download) PC, MAC - UNIX - W3C - URL - HTML - CSS - XML - XHTML - Javascript


Publishing a website doesn't need to be complicated or expensive. Whether your goal is to promote your small business or document your family history, the basic site you build in this course serves the purpose.

The objective of this course is to teach you how to create simple Web pages using basic HTML tags. We will choose and secure a web address or domain name. We will publish the site using a free or low-cost web hosting service. The course will also suggests your next steps, such as adding graphic elements to your site and building additional services.

The focus of the course will be on the following topics:

BOOKS - (Required / Suggested)

Required Books -

Suggested Books -


Grades are FINAL.

Please do not negotiate for a better grade. If you are expecting to receive a grade of an "A" at the end of the course, then I expect you to attend all sessions, and to keep up with the class reading material. If you see yourself falling behind do not hesitate to ask for help. This will ensure that you stay current with the class, and will ensure that you get a good grade on your final project.

To receive your grades at the end of the semester, call NYU TorchTone phone system at (212) 998-SCPS.
You can hear your final grade, and you can request a printed grade mailer be sent to you.


You can always access the Unix server and class web site from home anytime of the day. If you do not have a computer at home, or do not have internet access, you can always use the NYU lab facilities. You can use those computers locally, or you can access the Unix server and web site.

The following are the facilities available for student use:

All contents © 2005 Sam Sultan.
For more information, send e-mail to: