A significant part of your grade this semester is the delivery of a final project.
Students will be expected to develop a data-driven web site. The web site will include html forms,
a database component, and PHP code to drive the web site. The web site need not be comprehensive, or all inclusive.
The minimum requirement is to have one page capture data from the client, and store that data in the database,
and a second page to retrieve the data from the database, and to present it back to the client.
Your final project is important!
Yes, your project is important, so take it seriously. That being said, the purpose of the project is to:
- Learn and use the web to create a data-driven web site using HTML, MySQL and PHP.
- Give you the opportunity to apply what you have learned in this class.
Your project should at minimum include:
- The creation of a web site that includes both the capture of data, and the presentation of data
- The design of a database to store data collected from the web
- One or multiple html forms to capture and validate entered data
- Query of the database to retrieve and present the data (or a subset of the data) collected
- A way to search and sort through the data in some way (example items on sale)
- The site should include cookies or session management (example a login page)
- HTML and PHP code to facilitate the above
Posting in your project:
- Your project should be posted on the NYU web site, both the database and the PHP code
- All database tables should be created within your current MySql database schema
- All PHP code should be created within your current NYU web directory
- Create a folder under your home web directory called "Project"
- Place all project related content in that folder, or subfolders
- Your project should start using project.html or project.php
- Your project folder/subfolder should not include index.html or index.php
- If you create a login page, create an id for me using userid: sam, and password: sam