The course addresses the concepts, skills, methodologies, techniques, tools and perspectives essential for system's analysts and designers to successfully develop information systems.
Upon completion of this course, students are expected to be able to analyze IT system structures, model information processes, and design/redesign IT systems using object-oriented tools.
1. Course Objectives:
The course covers fundamentals of object oriented systems analysis and design. Topics covered include requirement gathering, system modeling and software specifications.
The major emphasis of this course is on using object-oriented modeling to define system specification.
As part of this course, the student is exposed to object oriented concepts such as objects and classes, attributes and methods, packages, associations, interfaces, generalization and inheritance, and other concepts.
In addition, the class will cover UML (Unified Modeling Language) concepts such as use cases, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, activity diagrams, etc. We will look into RUP (Rational Unified Process) and learn the iterative process of OO analysis, design and construction
Information systems development is a process in which technical, organizational and human aspects of a system are analyzed and changed with the goal of creating or improving a system.
In spite of the advanced technology that surrounds computer-based information systems, the process of systems analysis and design is still largely an art.
This course will give students an understanding of the most common tools, techniques, and theories currently used in object-oriented systems modeling.
     The focus of the course will be on the following topics:
Object Oriented concepts and principles
The importance of good requirement gathering and risk management
Object oriented systems analysis and design
System modeling techniques using UML
Use cases, class diagram, sequence and activity diagrams
2. Student Learning Outcomes:
Distinguish between various system development methodologies
Understand Object Oriented concepts, terms and principles
Develop a project scope, and a project plan with feasibility analysis
Recognize the importance of good requirement gathering and risk management
Gain knowledge of object oriented systems analysis and design techniques and models
Work with and use UML for object oriented modeling
Develop use cases - both diagrams and narratives
Model an overall system using UML class diagrams
Model system functionality using UML sequence and collaboration diagrams
Use cases, class diagram, sequence and activity diagrams
Create a conceptual and a physical ER model for a database to support the system
Understand system architecture in terms of single vs. multi-tier with thick/thin client
Realize and appreciate system operation and ongoing support issues/concerns
Attendance and Participation - 15% (Students must ask questions and engage in class discussions/topics)
Homeworks/Project - 25% (Project - Team members will weigh in on each other's contribution toward the final project)
Midterm Exam - 30%
Final Exam - 30%
Details of Assignment and Evaluation.
Class Attendance and Participation: To receive full credit for the course, you must attend all classes since much of the learning occurs during class presentation and discussions.
Please contact the instructor if you anticipate missing any part of the class.
Grades will be based on:
Involvement in class activities
Participation which demonstrates integration of reading, class work, relevance and application.
Willingness to learn by accepting feedback, trying new skills and approaches, etc.
Quality/quantity of providing effective and balanced feedback.
Homework: Homeworks must be submitted on time within 1 week after date assigned.
Late submission will severely impact your homework grade, or may not be accepted altogether at instructor discretion.
All homework pages must be stapled together, no exception (paper clips not accepted)
Print out your homework code and output and bring with you to class
I will not accept homework via email unless you are not able to attend the class.
Proper indentation is a must. If not properly indented I may return it without grading it.
Class Project Presentation: There will be a group/team class presentation.
The presentation will be a culmination of verbal, visual and presentation skills. It will also be the culmination of topics, concepts and competencies learned in this class.
Final Exam: There will be a final exam. The exam will be an open book, open notes style exam.
The exam will test the student's acquisition of topics, concepts and competencies learned in this class.
Please do not negotiate for a better grade. If you are expecting to
receive a grade of an "A" at the end of the semester, then I expect you
to attend all sessions,
to participate and contribute during the sessions, and to keep up with the class reading material.
If you see yourself falling behind do not hesitate to ask for help.
This will ensure that you stay current with the class, and will ensure that you get a good
grade in this class.