jQuery & jQuery Mobile

Course Number - INFO1-CE9025
Friday - 5:30-9:30pm


Instructor: Sam Sultan [sam.sultan@nyu.edu]    [Featured Professor]
Class web site: [samsultan.com/jquery] (or) [workshop.sps.nyu.edu/~sultans/jquery]

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Session - 1 / 2   3   4   5   6  

ITS - HTML - JavaScript - jQuery - jQuery UI - jQuery Mobile - AJAX
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The objective of this course is to teach you jQuery as it relates to web page development. jQuery's motto is "write less, do more". jQuery makes write sophisticated JavaScript code a much easier task. The course will discuss the jQuery library, including the various ways of selecting elements within your HTML. and the various jQuery methods that facilitate your element manipulation. We will also examine the Document Object Model and jQuery event capturing and event handling capabilities. We will cover the fundamentals of AJAX and how jQuery facilitates AJAX processing. The course will also cover the jQuery UI framework which help facilitate the creation of various UI widgets, and the jQuery Mobile framework, which help you develop web interface for mobile rendering.

The focus of the course will be on the following topics:

BOOKS - (Required / Suggested)

Required Books -

Suggested Books -


Grades are FINAL.

Please do not negotiate for a better grade. If you are expecting to receive a grade of an "A" at the end of the semester, then I expect you to attend all sessions (unless I am notified ahead of time), to participate in these sessions, to keep up with the class reading material, and to complete your project assignments. This will ensure that you stay current with the class content, and will ensure that you get a good grade on your test(s), project as well as your final grade.

If you are a non-credit student, and are not interested in a grade, or you do not submit your homeworks/project or take the exams, then you will receive a grade of an "NE" (Non-Evaluative). A grade of NE is final, and cannot be changed. A grade of NE cannot be applied as partial fulfillment for any NYU certificate program.

To receive your final grade at the end of the semester, follow these steps:

  1. Click on http://www.sps.nyu.edu/academics/noncredit-offerings/academic-noncredit-policies-and-procedures.html#Obtaining_Grades
  2. Log into Albert using your net id, at: https://admin.portal.nyu.edu/psp/paprod/EMPLOYEE/EMPL/h/?tab
  3. Click on "Student Center"
  4. Within your student center, in the "academics" section click on the dropdown: "other academic"
  5. From the dropdown select "grades"
  6. For complete instructions click here

SYLLABUS -- jQuery

[Week 1 & 2] 1/2
  • What is jQuery?
  • Downloading and using jQuery library
  • Typical tasks you perform with jQuery
  • Selecting elements from the DOM
  • Changing element content
  • Adding/Changing/Removing attributes
  • Adding/Removing/Toggling CSS classes
  • Adding/Changing CSS properties
  • Adding/Replacing/Removing elements
  • jQuery built-in animation effects
  • Working with element Set
  • Working with arrays and objects
  • Working with jQuery cookie plugin

  • Reading: online
    [Week 3] 3
  • Working with interactive events
  • Setting up event handlers
  • List of events
  • Event listener functions
  • The bind function
  • The on & off functions
  • Chaining functions
  • The Event object
  • Working with HTML Form and Form Elements
  • Validating Form Elements

  • Reading: online
    [Week 4] 4
  • What is AJAX?
  • Program-to-Program communication
  • Synchronous vs. Asynchronous communication
  • Advantages and uses of asynchronous communication
  • What is XML?
  • The HTTP communication protocol
  • The HTTP request packet
  • The HTTP response packet
  • The GET vs. the POST method
  • AJAX  XMLHttpRequest object

  • Reading: online
    [Week 5] 5
  • What is jQuery UI?
  • Downloading and using jQuery UI plugin
  • UI Components - Widgets, Interactions, Themes & Effects
  • The jQuery UI Widgets
  • Accordion, Tabs, Menu, Button, Dialog, Datepicker, Autocomplete, etc.
  • Widget Options and Widget Methods
  • Styling UI Widgets
  • Work with Interactions
  • Apply CSS Themes
  • Apply Animation Effects

  • Reading: online
    [Week 6] 6
  • Mobile
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • Final Exam or Project

  • Reading: online

    All contents © Sam Sultan.
    For more information, send e-mail to: sam.sultan@nyu.edu