Mouse Roll-Over on hyperlinks

New features
Connecting to the Internet
Using Help
Joining the Internet Explorer Macintosh Edition newsgroup


Page Holder makes it easier than ever to browse the Web. The Page Holder pane maintains a Web page so that you can click through the links on the page while viewing the pages in the main browser window. Page Holder eliminates the need to have to click the Back button to get back to the targeted page that contains links you want to browse through.

For more information, click Page Holder.

Apple 8.5 Sherlock
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition supports the Apple Sherlock feature in Mac OS version 8.5. By using Apple Sherlock you can find a file based on its name or other criteria, and search the entire World Wide Web. Internet Explorer also lets you summarize a Web page to the clipboard and find other Web pages that are similar to the one that you are currently viewing.

For more information, click one of the following:


Forms AutoFill
Forms AutoFill automatically fills out common form fields on Web pages. You only need to click a button to fill in your name, street address, email address, and other information. You supply the information once in the Preferences AutoFill dialog box, and then click the AutoFill button any time you want to fill out forms on a Web page.

For more information, click Setting up AutoFill.

Printing Improvements
Printing a Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition includes several new features. Viewing the Web page in Print Preview lets you choose to print the headers and footers, background, and images of the Web page. It also lets you shrink the Web page to fit, crop wide Web pages, and print wide Web pages.

For more information, click Previewing a printed Web page and setting print options.

Server Gated Cryptography
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition supports Server Gated Cryptography (SGC). SGC is a variant of SSL that uses a particular identifiable certificate type. SSL uses Public Key Encryption, as well as certificates, to accomplish a secure connection.

SGC allows the export-safe version (40-bit security) of the Internet Services Library (ISL) to initiate a 128-bit connection to financial institutions that have obtained a special security certificate, which is sent to the client during the SSL handshake. This allows Internet Explorer to ship and export a safe 40-bit library, and allows customer access to financial sites at the more trusted security level of a 128-bit connection.

Drag and Drop Installation

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition supports Drag-and-Drop Installation. Drag-and-Drop Installation lets you install and launch Internet Explorer without going through a prompted installation procedure. Instead, you simply drag the application folder to the appropriate location, and then launch the application by double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition supports Self-Healing. Self-Healing allows the application to launch even without necessary system files. This is accomplished by verifying the existence of the correct version of system files at start-up time. The files that are not present will be replaced. The process is identical to the first time the program is launched (that is, the application knows to install its system files every time you launch it).

Appearance Manager Support
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition supports the Apple Appearance Manager.

Euro Currency Character
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition supports the Euro currency character.

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Connecting to the Internet

  1. First, you need a physical connection between your Macintosh® computer and the Internet.
  2. Next, you need to connect to a host computer unless your Macintosh is directly connected to the Internet.
  3. Finally, you need Internet software so that your Macintosh can communicate with the Internet.

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Using Help

These Help pages and the text within the Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.5 Macintosh Edition interface will give you the information that you need to use the powerful features of Internet Explorer.

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Joining the Microsoft Internet Explorer Macintosh Edition newsgroup

Interact with other users of Microsoft Internet Explorer Macintosh Edition by accessing microsoft.public.inetexplorer.mac, which is available from the Microsoft news server,


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Microsoft Disclaimer
You should know that sites listed here are not under the control of Microsoft. Accordingly, Microsoft can make no representation concerning the content of these sites to you, nor can the fact that Microsoft has given you this listing serve as an endorsement by Microsoft of any of these sites. Microsoft is providing this list only as a convenience to you; this is to inform you that Microsoft has not tested any software found on these sites and therefore cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety or suitability of any software found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software on the Internet.

Copyright 1998 Microsoft Corporation

All other product and company names herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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You should know that sites listed here are not under the control of Microsoft. Accordingly, Microsoft can make no representation concerning the content of these sites to you, nor can the fact that Microsoft has given you this listing serve as an endorsement by Microsoft of any of these sites. Microsoft is providing this list only as a convenience to you; this is to inform you that Microsoft has not tested any software found on these sites and therefore cannot make any