# ajaxData:
# Read the content of a file from the server and send back to html
# If a _search is provided, only lines matching the search are sent
# Can be activated as either: url?_file=/dirname/filename?_search=xxx
# or using hidden fields such as:
use CGI "param";
$file = param('_file') || param('_FILE'); # get file name to save data
$str = param('_search') || param('_SEARCH'); # get search string if any
print "Content-type: text/xml \n"; #text/xml
print "\n";
print " \n";
print " \n";
open (FILE, "< $file") || print "Cannot open $file - $! \n";
####### List/Search file contents ########
while($line = )
@array = split(/##\|\|/, $line); # split line on ##||
$line2 = "";
$line3 = "";
foreach $element (@array)
@nameValue = split(/==/, $element); # split element on ==
$name = $nameValue[0]; # name is first piece
$value = $nameValue[1]; # value is second piece
next if (! $value); # if no value, skip
$line2 .= $value.'#|#'; # concatenate values
$line3 .= '<'.$name.'>'.$value.''.$name.'> '; # create an xml element
if (! $str || $line2 =~ /$str/i) # if line contains search str
print " \n";
print " $line3 \n";
print " \n";
print " \n";